Grammar Schools in Sutton

How many grammar schools are there in Sutton?

Sutton is home to five grammar schools with a two-stage entry process:

  • Sutton Grammar School for Boys
  • Wallington County Grammar School
  • Wallington High School for Girls
  • Nonsuch High School for Girls
  • Wilson's School

There is also one school with a one-stage (SET only) process: Greenshaw High School. Grammar schools are selective entrance schools which cater for the top 20 to 25% of academically able children in the area. Wilson's School is one of the oldest grammar schools in the country, being founded in 1615. These schools are all single-sex but some have co-educational sixth forms.

School Name Type of school Number of pupils Pupils included in progress 8 Progress 8 score Attainment 8 score Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs EBacc average point score
Sutton Grammar SchoolGrammar School135.00115.000.8279.20100.007.10
Wallington High School for GirlsGrammar School209.00184.000.9380.10100.007.40
Nonsuch High School for GirlsGrammar School206.00186.001.1182.30100.007.79
Wilson's SchoolGrammar School184.00166.001.3386.4099.008.56
Wallington County Grammar SchoolGrammar School150.00136.000.8176.1099.006.99
Greenshaw High SchoolGrammar School297.00284.000.6357.8072.004.99

How does the application process work for Sutton grammar schools?

The application process for Sutton grammar schools is fairly detailed, and dates must be adhered to carefully. Parents need to register their child for the Sutton Selective Eligibility Test (SET) and fill out the Common Application Form (CAF) provided by Sutton Council. The CAF must include the schools they are applying to, listed in order of preference. Parents can then register for the SET on the website of any of the grammar schools. If the child passes the SET they will move forwards to the second stage of the process, an academic ability test set by the school itself.

What test do Sutton grammars use (SET)?

The Sutton Selective Eligibility Test (SET) is a standardised test used by six Sutton grammar schools for their admissions process. For five of these, as detailed above, success at the SET does not guarantee a place. The potential student must then undertake a second stage assessment, set by the school. Greenshaw High School is the only school to use the SET only, with no second stage test. The SET has two multiple choice papers: English and Mathematics. These tests will measure a student’s academic aptitude and ability to excel in a grammar school environment.

Can you take other grammar school exams as well as the SET?

If you are applying to other schools outside Sutton and live close enough to travel to them and meet their eligibility criteria, you might need to take other entrance tests. Grammar schools outside the Sutton area will have their own entrance exams with different assessment formats and success criteria. If there is a clash of dates you will very likely need to make a decision which test you want to sit, as you will not be able to sit both.

How do appeals work for Sutton grammar schools?

Whilst parents do have the right to appeal the decision, this can be a lengthy process. The appeals process involves submitting a written appeal to the school’s admissions appeals panel, outlining the reasons why the child should be reconsidered for a place. This may include extenuating circumstances or additional evidence of the child’s capabilities. The panel will review the case and make a final decision. All decisions will be made within as short a time frame as possible to avoid uncertainty for the child and their family.

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