
Alison puts a lot of effort to prepare lesson and learning resources. Cynthia was lucky to have such a great tutor!
Alison has a creative approach to the lesson, depth of knowledge, tailored made lessons and able to make complex topics understandable. My son has great respect and personal connection with her and push himself further where us as parents we are not able to reach. I totally recommend Alison to anyone.

Feedback for Owl Tutors

Professional and kind.
Holly engages our daughter well and is supportive. Keeps us updated with progress.
Kelly is very professional and has a very good understanding of the subjects. She was very patient and knowledgeable during lessons. Built a good rapport with my son and taught him a lot of good tricks to tackle math and English problems. We are very grateful for having her help.

Feedback for Owl Tutors

We have only positive things to comment on Owl Tutors. Ed is very helpful and knowledgeable with the entrance exam process and guiding us along the way. We are thankful to have his help.
Helena is wonderful. My daughter responds very well to her. She is an excellent combination of firm but kind.

Feedback for Owl Tutors

Very positive experience! Helpful, responsive and we love our tutor
Richard was a fabulous tutor. Our children really enjoyed working with him and he helped them to achieve all of their goals, including succesful entry to our first choice school through a very competitive process.

Feedback for Owl Tutors

Very professional service, thank you.
She’s great for my son!

Feedback for Owl Tutors

In a short time of couple of months, Finn helped our son significantly improve his composition, using a combination of challenging work and positive reinforcement and encouraging.
Gil is an extremely organised and engaging tutor who makes maths learning fun. My son always enjoys his sessions with Gil.
Natalie is an excellent tutor, clear with lesson plans and objectives, patient and supportive and extremely knowledgable about the 11+.

Feedback for Owl Tutors

Professional, efficient and supportive - great experience all around from finding a tutor to monthly reports and updates.

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