Safeguarding Consultancy for Schools

We have specialists in safeguarding compliance, policy, procedure and training who can help with one-off advice or, alternatively, a termly or annual audit or training visit.

Services we can offer include:

  • Advice on safeguarding compliance (all our safeguarding consultants are current or former DSLs and have up to date awareness, training and certification)
  • Safeguarding supervision for current Designated Safeguarding Lead teams (our safeguarding supervisors hold a qualification in safeguarding supervision)
  • Safeguarding audits, both pre and post Ofsted or ISI inspection including implementation of action plans following an inspection (our safeguarding auditors are former or current SLT/ SMT and have experience of both Ofsted and ISI, including the Social Care framework)
  • Safeguarding training for school staff, school governors, school pupils and school leadership teams (our safeguarding trainers are experienced adult trainers as well as being former teachers)
  • Safeguarding policy writing to ensure compliance (our safeguarding policy writers have experience of writing policies and ensuring compliance at a wide variety of schools)

A tailored service

  • All services are tailored to your school, and can be offered on a face to face or virtual basis. 
  • All services are offered on a cost-effective, transparent basis with no hidden costs; fees are competitive whilst also reflecting the management experience of your consultant. 
Perfect guidance was given by Sian for exam prep and overall counselling
Amy has been wonderful, my son was always excited for Monday sessions. She really helped him with his Monday written homework.
Stephen asked what topics needed to be addressed each week and planned his sessions accordingly so that help could be targeted towards specific areas. My son enjoyed his PowerPoints and found the sessions helpful. His topic tests also improved.
Amy was an amazing tutor to my two boys while we were based in London. I have just received feedback from my son’s school teacher that the work Amy taught him while we were away had extended him beyond the curriculum and she was super impressed with what he had learned! Lovely person, we are thankful to her. Highly recommend.
Natalie has been really good with our son. More in depth thoughts on his weaknesses and strengths would be useful.

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