Grammar Schools in the West Midlands

Grammar Schools in the West Midlands

School Name Type of school Number of pupils Pupils included in progress 8 Progress 8 score Attainment 8 score Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs EBacc average point score
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for GirlsGrammar School1781700.9578.8100%7.00
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for BoysGrammar School120981.0283.3100%8.17
King Edward VI Handsworth SchoolGrammar School1581500.5975.2100%7.11
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for GirlsGrammar School1491260.9081.299%7.93
Bishop Vesey's Grammar SchoolGrammar School1591450.7375.299%7.28
Queen Mary's High SchoolGrammar School1201140.7474.299%7.09
Wolverhampton Girls' High SchoolGrammar School1451370.7576.999%7.30
Queen Mary's Grammar SchoolGrammar School1481450.5274.398%7.04
King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for BoysGrammar School1491400.6171.497%6.34
King Edward VI Aston SchoolGrammar School1411360.3571.096%6.28
King Edward VI Five Ways SchoolGrammar School1781640.4875.696%7.33

What is the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test is an 11 plus examination which is currently used by eighteen selective grammar schools (and one partially-selective school) in the geographical area of the West Midlands. This includes the counties of Shropshire and Warwickshire and the cities/ towns of Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Walsall. Whilst the test is the same for all the schools in the consortium, the dates vary slightly depending on the school applied for.

How do you register for the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

Parents who wish to register their child for the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) should note that the registration period is only just over one month long, opening in May and closing in June. This is when their child is in Year 5, in the summer term. Primary schools should highlight this registration period to parents but it has to be done on a specific website (linked below) and so should be looked at carefully prior to the deadline.

What schools use the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The West Midlands region is home to a number of grammar schools, and these are listed here:

Birmingham: Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, King Edward VI Aston School, King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys, King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, King Edward VI Five Ways School, King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls, King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys, Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls

Shropshire: Haberdashers’ Adams Grammar School, Newport Girls’ High School

Walsall: Queen Mary’s High School, Queen Mary’s Grammar School

Warwickshire: Alcester Grammar School, King Edward VI School, Rugby High School for Girls, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School, Lawrence Sheriff School, Ashlawn School

Wolverhampton: Wolverhampton Girls’ High School

How many schools use the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

In the West Midlands, there are eighteen schools which are wholly selective and use the same 11 plus test, and one school which is partially selective. All these schools use the same test so children only have to sit one test even if they are looking to discover their eligibility to more than one grammar school.

When do the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test results come out?

Results for the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test come out a few weeks after the test. The deadline is the end of October, because this is when families have to submit the Common Application Form to their local council, detailing their school preferences. Children who have been assessed as of grammar school standard can therefore submit grammar schools as an option on the form.

When is the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test takes place in the middle of September. Depending on the local area, these dates may vary slightly by one or two days, usually Saturday to Monday. No test papers can be removed from the test centre, meaning there is no chance of disclosing any questions.

How Long is the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test Exam?

The West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test exam is approximately two hours long. However, this timeframe can vary slightly depending on the specific schools or consortiums conducting the exam. The assessment typically includes several components, designed to test a wide range of skills in a time-efficient manner. It is important to arrive at the examination centre punctually, as time management is crucial for both the organisers and the candidates.

What Subjects are Assessed in the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test contains four subjects: English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning (including spatial reasoning). Whilst Maths and English are taught in all schools, it is unlikely that children applying to sit the 11 plus test will have prior experience of reasoning. These sections of the test will need careful preparation.

Who Writes the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

In the West Midlands area, the 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test is written and marked by GL Assessment. The papers are taken on paper using mark sheets and marked by computer, so there is no room for error. GL Assessment is one of the leading providers of 11 plus tests in the country.

How Many Questions are in the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The number of questions contained in the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test does vary. There are two papers which cover all four subjects, meaning that each paper is divided into short sections. Broadly speaking, children should expect to spend around 30 to 45 seconds on reasoning questions and around 1 minute on English and Maths questions. Each paper lasts one hour, meaning there could be up to 100 questions in each paper.

How Can I Appeal West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test Results?

The short answer is that appeals can be very challenging. Firstly, it is not possible to appeal the standardised score given by computer. The appeal must wait until the school place has actually been offered. If at this stage you feel that your child should have been offered a different school and can prove this using admissions criteria it may be possible to undergo an appeal, which will be made via the local council.

What is the pass mark for the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test is run by a consortium of eighteen schools and therefore there is no standardised pass mark across the whole exam. However, individual schools will set their own baseline scores beyond which students will be considered to be of grammar school standard. This data is generally available on the school’s admissions policy. It is a good idea to practice achieving above 75% in practice tests, as this will put you in the top 25% of applicants.

How hard is the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test?

The 11 Plus test is generally a very challenging test. The West Midlands test does not have separate subject papers, which arguably makes it harder than those which do have separate papers, as the child has to switch from one topic to another within both papers. There will be short sections of English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning in each paper.

What is a good West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test score?

A good score on the West Midlands 11 Plus test would be one that moves past the threshold pass mark required for entry; depending on which grammar school is being applied for, this threshold will change. Baseline scores for each of the schools vary between around 200 and 235, meaning if a student is aiming for a more challenging school they will need to achieve a higher mark.

Does the West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test pass mark differ between schools?

Yes, the pass mark for the 11 Plus test does differ every year between schools in the West Midlands area. Each school has a different mark beyond which they will consider a child for grammar school entry. These vary significantly depending on how oversubscribed the school is, and what their published admissions number is.

Which schools typically have the highest West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test scores?

Schools in the West Midlands which often present the highest baseline entry scores for the 11 Plus entrance test are those with strong academic reputations such as King Edward VI Camp Hill in Birmingham and Stratford Girls’ Grammar School. These schools often have a huge oversubscription issue, meaning they have to select students from the top 15% of applicants rather than the top 25%.

Which schools typically have the lowest West Midlands 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Test scores?

Conversely, some schools in the consortium will have lower entry points. These schools may be in less dense residential areas, and so have fewer applicants overall. The important thing to remember is to make sure your child fits the admissions criteria, as there may be a postcode area or a sibling policy which affects their application.

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