
Tutor profile - Anita


English & Theory of Knowledge

Like all our tutors, Anita is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Anita holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Anita holds a full, clean criminal records checkAnita either works or has worked as an examiner for an exam boardAnita holds a degree from a Russell Group University
The support being provided is very useful.

Parent of A-Level English student

Anita's biography

For over 20 years, Anita has taught KS3, GCSE, A level and IBDP English in both UK and International schools. Throughout her teaching career, she has also gained extensive experience as an examiner for GCSE and A Level English, IB English A and Extended Essay.

As a specialist and professional tutor, Anita will help you identify issues that are holding you back and support the development of knowledge, skills and understanding that will lead you towards ultimate academic success.

IB Experience

Anita has taught IBDP English for the past nine years, English Literature A, English Language & Literature A, and English B, all at Higher and Standard Level. As well as supervising Extended Essay students throughout this period, She held the role of Extended Essay Coodinator for four years from 2016-2020. Since 2019, she has taught Theory of Knowledge as part of her wider role as an IB Core teacher. She has completed several Theory of Knowledge course recently with both the University of Oxford Dept of Continuing Education (2020) & (2018), as well as DP Core professional development with, Improving Student Performance in TOK, CAS & EE (2017). Over the past nine years, Anita has also completed several Cat 2 & Cat 3 professional development courses as part of her role as an IBDP English A teacher.

Since 2016, Anita has been an IBDP English Extended Essay examiner. Her knowledge and understanding of the assessment requirements for the Extended Essay is extensive and current. She is also a current examiner for IBDP English A Literature Paper 1, with six years experience of this examination.

Anita's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

Monday: NONE Tuesday: 8-9AM, 10-11AM, 4-7 PM Wednesday: 8-10AM, 1-4 PM, 6.30-7.30PM Thursday: 8-1PM, 2-3PM, 4-5PM Friday: 8-11AM Saturday: None Sunday: 10 AM - 1 PM

Anita will have further availability from Tuesday 1st April 2025.

Anita's qualifications

Anita qualified to teach English in 2003, and holds a PGCE from Cardiff University.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
University of Birmingham BA (Hons) English 2003

Subjects tutored:

English (KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE, IGCSE (Cambridge), A Level AQA, A Level Edexcel, A Level OCR, IB Standard Level, IB Higher Level and IB MYP)

Theory of Knowledge

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