Yes. Our tutors have experience of working with Hong Kong students and a number have taught in Hong Kong. They are able to provide targeted and focused online sessions to help Hong Kong based students.
Our English tutors are UK qualified teachers with experience supporting Hong Kong students with their English examinations (including IB English and A level English).
Many of our tutors have taught internationally and have worked with Hong Kong based students on their studies. As subject experts and professional educators, they are well placed to guide, support and develop students preparing for their examinations in English.
Nicola is a qualified and experienced practising English teacher, with extensive experience teaching English at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 in leading...
Alison has many years of teaching and examining experience She is an accredited AQA examiner and is a senior examiner (Team Leader) for...
John has tutored privately for 11 years After a bachelor's degree in biomedical science, he starting tutoring during his time as a classroom...
Our tutors are all qualified and experienced teachers, meaning they know their subject and levels, inside out. When working towards an external qualification, it’s important to work with a professional teacher, who can explain how to master the assessment as well as the content.
As well as being professional educators, many of our teachers are examiners for their subjects as well as being Oxbridge/Russell Group graduates. A number of tutors have also taught in the independent school sector or have worked as senior leaders, including as headteachers, in top independent schools.
In short, Owl Tutors are expert educators.
Yes. Our tutors have experience of working with Hong Kong students and a number have taught in Hong Kong. They are able to provide targeted and focused online sessions to help Hong Kong based students.
Yes. Once you tell us what your requirements are, we will be able to put together a shortlist of tutors for your attention. You can even tell us which of our Hong Kong English tutors you would like to work with below.
No. We do not charge registration or placement fees.
Very quickly. Many clients are matched with tutors on the same day. While we can’t guarantee this for every enquiry, we’re particularly well placed to match tutors with Hong Kong based clients.
Yes. Please either select tutors above you would like to work with, or else complete an enquiry form and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements!
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