What should my child know 12 months before the 7+ examination?
The following checklist outlines the knowledge and skills we recommend your child is secure in 12 months before the 7+ examination.
The knowledge and skills within the checklist are in line with Level 2 of the National Curriculum and are split into three main areas: Interpersonal skills (which are likely to be assessed during group activities and individual interviews), English and Mathematics.
It is important to remember that this list is not exhaustive, and the content of the examination will vary from school to school. Also, it may be possible for exams to assess children on skills that are more advanced than those suggested in our checklist.
To prepare your child for the 7+ exam 12 months in advance, we recommend reading as much as possible with your child and playing mental maths games alongside more formal work. Keeping learning engaging and exciting for your child is key, in order to avoid them feeling under any pressure before the examination.
Interpersonal skills
- I can listen and respond to others in a conversation
- I can work cooperatively in a group
- I can explain my strengths in learning
- I can resist distractions in order to accurately complete my work
- I am aware of the consequences of my actions
- I can hold a conversation with an adult
- I am confident in meeting new children and teachers
Talking and listening
- I can talk confidently and listen carefully to others
- I can explain my thoughts in detail
- I can read and understand simple books
- I can read fluently and use expression and tone
- I can retell a story in detail
- I can answer literal and inferential questions about a text in full sentences
- The content of my writing is coherent and topic relevant
- I can add adjectives and description to my writing
- I write in full sentences and add correct punctuation
- I have neat and clear handwriting
- My stories have a beginning, a middle and an ending
- I can describe the setting and characters in my stories
- I have spelled common words accurately
- I can count up to 100 and beyond
- I can read and write numbers 100 and beyond
- I know my number bonds to 10
- I can order numbers 100 and beyond
- I can partition any given number up to 100
- I can use symbols for more than and less than: < >
- I can round 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10
- I can add and subtract to 100 and beyond using vertical and horizontal methods
- I can find half or a quarter of a number or shape
- I can solve addition and subtraction word problems
- I can distinguish between odd and even numbers
- I know doubles and halves to 20
- I know the 2x and 10x tables
- I can solve multiplication word problems
Shape, space and measure
- I can draw 2D shapes
- I can name and describe the features of 3D shapes (faces, vertices, edges)
- I can chose a suitable unit of measure
- I can read a scale to take a measurement
- I can estimate measurements accurately
- I can solve problems by measuring
- I can read quarter to and quarter past times
- I can explain what time things happen (when school starts/finishes, bedtime etc)
- I can identify coins up to £1, add and subtract to £1 and calculate change
- I know that angles are measurements of turn
- I can identify a right angle
- I can shade three quarters of a shape
- I can calculate half or quarter of a number to 20
- I can name the months of the year in order
Handling data
- I can solve problems by interpreting information on bar graphs, pictograms, Venn diagrams and Carol diagrams
A note on using past papers
At 12 months out, you are too early to start using past papers. When your child is ready, you can find our collection of past papers here: