In this blog, Lulu outlines simple ways to build a routine at home whilst your children's schools are closed. Do you have a timetable? Do you need resources? Find all you need to know here!
Wherever possible, I would advise trying to stick to a similar timetable that children would follow at school. For example:
9:00: Story time (independent reading) led by you (parent/carer) or a tutor
9:30: Free writing
Ask children to choose an object. They can either describe the object (or person) or write a story about it. Encourage lots of descriptive and interesting language.
10:30: Break-out into the garden if possible (just like break time!) or if this isn’t possible, let them have a little bit of TV or IPad time!
11:00: Number work. Use blocks, cubes, cars, pencils (anything concrete): children can use these objects to help them count.
Refer to this YouTube video if you need some support with teaching double digit addition:
And these worksheets:
12:00-13:00: Lunch!
13:00-15:00: 30 minutes of silent reading followed by either:
Use empty plastic bottles to make musical instruments
15:00: Usual after-school routine.
Limit homework if children have made a good effort to focus during the day.
Keep them calm and busy with crafts and board games.
Encourage children to participate in errands and set up a rota for them to become a part of being at home during the day.
They will feel important and you will feel calm (cue freshly brewed tea).
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