How to make the most out of the MathsWatch CD

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Owl Tutors

December 16th, 2024

GCSE students often struggle to know how to revise maths productively. In this blog, Emma explains how to use the MathsWatch CD to make revision efficient and effective.

Update December 2024. We have updated the below content as it is several years old. Good luck!

Up until six years ago, one of the most common questions that GCSE students used to ask me was, “How do I revise for Maths?”.  They simply didn’t know where to get started or how long to spend on each topic.  They would often spend half an hour just settling down to revise, wasting valuable revision time.  They would also make the mistake of just reading through their exercise books, class notes or revision guides.  Although this is better than nothing it doesn’t test what they actually know or highlight the gaps in their knowledge. 

Engage with GCSE maths using MathsWatch clips!

Students need to ‘do maths’ in order to find out what they do or don’t actually know. Then, as a school, we came across the MathsWatch revision CD, which is only available to buy from schools or colleges.  Students can either purchase the CD or are given access to the MathsWatch CD via their school’s VLE.  This fantastic resource helps students revise in an efficient and comprehensive manner.  Each GCSE topic is covered via the use of a video clip which lasts between just three and eight minutes.  The teacher introduces the topic by way of an example that the student works through at the same time, pausing and restarting the clip.  Practice questions are then introduced and finally exam style questions round the clip off.  In the space of just three to eight minutes they have fully revised that part of the GCSE course. To really focus our students and to maximise their chances of success, I put together a seven-week revision programme for both the Foundation and Higher tier.  By completing just three clips per day, students could complete their whole GCSE Mathematics revision in just seven weeks. However, we encouraged our students to complete the timetable several times for maximum effect.  Students and parents really valued the timetable as it made it clear what was to be studied and when; it was easy for parents to monitor and support.  It also freed up valuable study time for their other GCSE subjects.  The only complaint from students was that they wished they could change the teacher’s voices like you can on a Sat Nav in order to mix things up!  We could always tell which students were following the programme closely as their performance in lessons really improved with this regular, daily practice.  This was supplemented with weekly past GCSE paper practice both in lessons and at home.  Our school’s GCSE Maths pass rate, which was already significantly above the national average, improved further. The seven-week timetables can be viewed below:

Seven-week MathsWatch Foundation tier timetable

DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday32,33,34Rounding to decimal places, simplifying-addition& subtraction, simplifying- multiplication2
Tuesday35,36,37Simplifying-division, function machines, generating a sequence-term to term2
Wednesday38,39,40Introduction to ratio, using ratio for recipe questions, introduction to percentages2
Thursday41,42,43Value for money, introduction to proportion, properties of solids2/3
Friday44,45,46Nets, angles on a line and at a point, measuring and drawing angles3
Saturday47,48,49Drawing a triangle using a protractor, reflections, rotations2
Sunday50,51,55Translations, plans & elevations, area of a parallelogram2
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday56,57,58Area of a trapezium, frequency trees, listing outcomes2
Tuesday59,60,61Calculating probabilities, mutually exclusive events, two-way tables2
Wednesday62,63,64Average and the range, data-discrete and continuous, vertical line charts2
Thursday65,66,67Frequency tables and diagrams, multiplying decimals, dividing decimals2/3
Friday47,48,49Drawing a triangle using a protractor, reflections, rotations2
Saturday50,51,55Translations, plans & elevations, area of a parallelogram2
Sunday68,69,70Four rules of negatives, listing strategies, comparing fractions3
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday71,72,73Adding and subtracting fractions, finding a fraction of an amount, multiplying fractions3
Tuesday74,75,76Dividing fractions, Bodmas/bidmas, reciprocals3
Wednesday77,78,79Calculator questions, product of primes, highest common factor HCF3
Thursday80,81,82Lowest common multiple LCM, squares, cubes and roots, working with indices3
Friday83,84,85Standard form, decimals and fractions, fractions decimals & %3
Saturday86,87,88Percentage of an amount calculator, percentage of an amount, non-calculator, change to a percentage calculator3
Sunday89,90,91Change to a percentage non-calculator, rounding to significant figures, estimating answers,3
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday92,93,94Using place value, expanding brackets, simple factorisation,3
Tuesday95,96,97Substitution, straight line graphs, the gradient of a line3
Wednesday98,99,100Drawing quadratic graphs, sketching functions, solving equations using flowcharts3
Thursday101,102,103Subject of a formula using flowcharts, generate a sequence from an nth term, finding the nth term3
Friday104,105,106Special sequences, exchanging money, sharing using ratio3
Saturday107,108,109Ratios, fractions and graphs, increase/decrease by a percentage, percentage change3
Sunday110,111,112Reverse percentage problems, simple interest, metric conversions3
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday113,114,115Problems on co-ordinate axes, surface area of a prism, volume of a cuboid3
Tuesday116,117,118Circle definitions, area of a circle, circumference of a circle3
Wednesday119,120,121Volume of a prism, angles and parallel lines, angles in a triangle3
Thursday122,123,124Properties of special triangles, angle sums of polygons, bearings3
Friday125,126,127Experimental probabilities, possibility spaces, venn diagrams3
Saturday128,129,130Pie charts, scatter diagrams, averages from a table3
Sunday131,132,133,Index notation, introduction to bounds, midpoint of a line on a graph4
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday134,135,136Expanding & simplifying brackets, solving equations, rearranging simple formulae4
Tuesday137,138,139Forming formulae and equations, inequalities on a number line, solving linear inequalities4
Wednesday140,141,142Simultaneous equations graphically, Fibonacci sequences, compound units4
Thursday143,144,145Distance time graphs, similar shapes, bisecting an angle4
Friday146,147,148Constructing perpendiculars, drawing a triangle using compasses, Enlargments4
Saturday149,152,153tangents, arcs, sectors & segments,  Sampling populations, time series4
Sunday150,151,154Pythagoras’ theorem, simple tree diagrams, Negative indices4
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday155,157,158Error intervals, factorising & solving quadratics, Difference of two squares4/5
Tuesday159,160,175Finding the equation of a straight line, Roots and turning points of quadratics, harder tree diagrams5
Wednesday161,166,167cubic and reciprocal graphs, Congruent triangles, sectors of a circle5
Thursday162,163,176Simultaneous equations algebraically, geometric progressions, Stratified sampling5
Friday164,165,174Compound interest and depreciation, loci, introduction to vectors5
Saturday168,173Trigonometry, Exact trigonometric values5
Sunday169, 170,171,172Spheres Pyramids, Cones, Frustrums5

Now do One minute maths on your Maths Watch CD. These clips literally take one minute each and should be used to refresh topics, rather than learn them. Choose ten clips per day.  Alternatively select whole clips from above that you need to keep practising.  

Seven-week MathsWatch Higher tier timetable

DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday71,72,73Adding and subtracting fractions, finding a fraction of an amount, multiplying fractions3
Tuesday74,75,76Dividing fractions, Bodmas/bidmas, reciprocals3
Wednesday78,79,83product of primes, highest common factor HCF , Standard form3
Thursday80,8,105Lowest common multiple LCM, squares, cubes and roots, exchanging money3
Friday93,94,95expanding brackets, simple factorisation, Substitution3
Saturday96,97,98straight line graphs, the gradient of a line,  Drawing quadratic graphs,3
Sunday102,103,104generate a sequence from an nth term, finding the nth term,  Special sequences3
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday106, 107, 108Sharing using ratio Ratios, fractions and graphs, increase/decrease by a percentage
Tuesday109, 110, 111percentage change,  Reverse percentage problems, simple interest,3
Wednesday112,114,115Metric units, surface area of a prism, volume of a cuboid3
Thursday116,117,118Circle definitions, area of a circle, circumference of a circle3
Friday119,120,121Volume of a prism, angles and parallel lines, angles in a triangle3
Saturday122,123,124Properties of special triangles, angle sums of polygons, bearings3
Sunday125,126,127Experimental probabilities, possibility spaces, venn diagrams3
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday128,129,130Pie charts, scatter diagrams, averages from a table3
Tuesday131,132,133,Index notation, introduction to bounds, midpoint of a line on a graph4
Wednesday134,135,136Expanding & simplifying brackets, solving equations, rearranging simple formulae4
Thursday137,138,139Forming formulae and equations, inequalities on a number line, solving linear inequalities4
Friday140,141Simultaneous equations graphically, Fibonacci sequences4
Saturday143,144,145Distance time graphs, similar shapes, bisecting an angle4
Sunday146,147, 142Constructing perpendiculars, drawing a triangle using compasses,  compound units4
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday148,149, 150Enlargements, tangents, arcs, sectors & segments, Pythagoras’ theorem4
Tuesday151,152,153,simple tree diagrams,  Sampling populations, time series4
Wednesday154,155, 156Negative indices, error intervals, Mathematical reasoning5
Thursday157, 158factorising & solving quadratics, Difference of two squares5
Friday159, 160finding the equation of a straight line,  Roots and turning points of quadratics,5
Saturday161, 162cubic and reciprocal graphs,  Simultaneous equations algebraically5
Sunday163, 164,165Geometric progressions, Compound interest and depreciation, loci5
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday166,167, 169Congruent triangles, sectors of a circle, spheres5
Tuesday168, 173Trigonometry, Exact trigonometric values5
Wednesday170,171,172Pyramids, cones,  Frustums5
Thursday174, 175, 177introduction to vectors,  harder tree diagrams,  Recurring decimals to fractions5
Friday176, 178stratified sampling,  product of three binomials5/6
Saturday179,180Iteration-trial and improvement, iterative processes6
Sunday181,182Enlargement-negative scale factor, combinations of transformations6
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday183,184Circle theorems, proof of circle theorems6
Tuesday185,186Probability using venn diagrams, cumulative frequency6
Wednesday187,188, 189Boxplots, fractional indices, Recurring decimals-proof6/7
Thursday190, 191rearranging difficult formulae,  Solving quadratics with the formula,7
Friday192, 193factorising hard quadratics, Algebraic proof,7
Saturday194, 195,196exponential functions,  Trigonometric graphs, transformation of functions7
Sunday197,198, 216Equation of a circle, regions, velocity time graphs7/8/9
DayClipName of ClipGrade Done
Monday199,200Direct and inverse proportion, similarity-area & volume7
Tuesday201,202,203The sine rule, the cosine rule, Area of a triangle using sine7
Wednesday205,206Histograms, upper & lower bounds7/8
Thursday207,208,219Surds, perpendicular lines, vectors8&9
Friday209,210Completing the square, algebraic fractions8&9
Saturday211,212Simultaneous equations with a quadratic, solving quadratic inequalities8&9
Sunday213,214,215Finding the nth term of a quadratic, inverse functions, Composite functions,8&9

Now do One minute maths on your Maths Watch CD. These clips literally take one minute each and should be used to refresh topics, rather than learn them. Choose ten clips per day.  Alternatively, select whole clips from above that you need to keep practising. Good luck and enjoy!

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