I can compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =

What does this objective mean?

Children should be able to use the greater than (>), smaller than (<) or equals (=) sign to compare measurements How might it be assessed in the 7+? Children may be asked to add a >,<,or = sign to a number sentence. For example:

Make the following statement true:

23cm _____ 19cm

How do I teach this to my child?

A common method for teaching this is to imagine the < and > signs as the jaws of a crocodile. Because he is hungry, ‘the crocodile always eats the bigger number’. So
23cm > 19cm – the crocodile is eating 23cm, because it is bigger.

How can we practice this?

Idea: practical activity

Using kitchen scales, ask your child to measure two items and write a sentence to compare their mass. For example:

Bag of rice > Bag of sweets
500g 100g

You can do the same with length and capacity. Include examples where a larger unit is used (e.g. 800g < 1kg) to ensure your child understands the value of different units.

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