Grammar Schools in Devon

Grammar Schools in Devon

School Name Type of school Number of pupils Pupils included in progress 8 Progress 8 score Attainment 8 score Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs EBacc average point score
Colyton Grammar SchoolGrammar School1531270.9879.799%7.69
Devonport High School for GirlsGrammar School1241180.5073.498%6.91
Devonport High School for BoysGrammar School1791700.3669.196%5.94
Torquay Girls Grammar SchoolGrammar School1461380.5070.294%6.84
Churston Ferrers Grammar School AcademyGrammar School1511450.6269.790%6.02
Plymouth High School for GirlsGrammar School1151080.1965.689%6.03
Torquay Boys' Grammar SchoolGrammar School1641540.2366.289%6.04
The Spires CollegeGrammar School205194-0.4940.834%3.44

What is the Devon 11 Plus?

The Devon 11 Plus is actually a number of different exams for entry into different schools in the Devon area (including Torquay and Plymouth). Some of these exams are shared between schools. There are seven grammar schools in the area.

The following schools are co-educational: Colyton Grammar School and Churston Ferrers Grammar School and the others are single sex as follows: Devonport High School for Boys, Devonport High School for Girls, Plymouth High School for Girls, Torquay Boys’ Grammar School and Torquay Girls’ Grammar School. Each school has an 11 plus examination for entry into Year 7.

How do I register for the Devon 11 Plus?

Parents need to register for their child to take the 11 plus in the Devon area. The registration period varies according to the particular school to which you are applying for a place. Some schools start registering students as early as March and others open in April. The deadline is important to take note of, especially as some registration periods will close in July, with the test taking place in September. It’s a good idea to check the website of the school to see how to apply and what the registration period is.

Which Schools use the Devon 11 Plus?

There are seven grammar schools in the Devon area which use the 11 plus to assess pupils and see if they are of grammar school standard and are therefore eligible to apply for a place into Year 7. They are listed above. Devon also offer other secondary schools including independent schools (which will have their own admissions criteria), free schools and academies, which are open to all.

How many schools use the Devon 11 Plus?

There are seven schools in the Devon area which use the 11 plus examination. Some of the schools have their own exam and some share exams. Colyton Grammar School has its own papers provided by FSCE. Devonport High School for Boys, Devonport High School for Girls and Plymouth High School for Girls share the same examination, provided by GL Assessment. Churston Ferrers Grammar School, Torquay Boys’ Grammar School and Torquay Girls’ Grammar School also use GL Assessment exams but with different subjects and papers.

What are the key dates for the Devon 11 Plus?

The Devon 11 plus exams take place in September, with some schools occasionally using two weekends to sit different papers. It is advisable to check on the specific school website for the exam dates. The results are released in October, and those children who are then eligible to apply for a grammar school place can do so by the deadline for the local authority common application form, which is usually the end of October.

When is the Devon 11 Plus Exam Held?

The Devon 11 Plus examination does have varying dates depending on the school. Once parents are registered, they will receive an email with the exact dates on which their child will be sitting the exam. It should be noted that unless there is a very good reason, an alternative date is not generally offered.

How long does the Devon 11 Plus exam last?

As there is no standardised Devon 11 plus examination, the length of the exam will depend on the school. Children applying to the seven grammar schools in Devon will either take two papers or three papers. The length of each paper is around one hour, meaning that the examination is likely to last a morning or afternoon, around two and a half hours in total. Parents should check carefully through all the information that has been sent through to them, including drop off and pick up times for the test.

What subjects are included in the Devon 11 Plus test?

The exact content of the Devon 11 Plus test will depend on the specific school, but there are some consistencies. Most schools in the area use GL Assessment to provide their papers, but interestingly no schools have opted for verbal or non-verbal reasoning papers. The only subjects covered in any of the 11 plus exams are maths and English, making this an easier 11 plus for which to prepare than some of the others around the UK. Maths and English have generally been taught thoroughly in schools, but there is always the option for students to undertake some extension work prior to the test to ensure they answer as many questions correctly as possible.

Who is responsible for writing the Devon 11 Plus test?

Depending on the school, either GL Assessment or FSCE (Future Stories Community Enterprise). The former is a nationwide provider of 11 plus tests and the latter is less well-known, but provides standardised tests for a smaller number of schools up and down the country. Only English and maths papers are used, so parents should not worry about reasoning papers.

How many questions can be found in the Devon 11 Plus test?

The Devon 11 Plus tests will have multiple sections, and there is some information available on this. Most questions are multiple choice (except for the FSCE creative writing paper and some sections of the Maths paper) and therefore there will be a limited amount of time allocated to each one. It is likely that in a hour’s paper, there will be around 50 to 60 questions. If this number is multiplied by two, students are likely to encounter around 100 to 120 questions in total.

How can I appeal Devon 11 Plus results?

All tests in the 11 plus Devon area are marked using computer, meaning re-marks are not possible, as the accuracy is so high. If a child has achieved the correct score to be assessed as of grammar school standard then the parent is able to name a grammar school on their Common Application Form. However, this does not mean a place is automatically allocated. On National Secondary School Offer Day, parents will be offered a school place and at this point an appeal can take place.

What is the pass mark for the Devon 11 Plus?

In Devon, the 11 Plus exam does not have a pass mark – rather, children are assessed as either of grammar school standard or not. The specific mark at which a child will have been considered to have passed the exam and therefore be of grammar school standard is based on the number who apply, and the published admissions number for that school. There will also be oversubscription criteria applied based on different school requirements. Marks are age-standardised, so younger children are given a small advantage.

How hard is the Devon 11 Plus test?

The Devon 11 Plus test is like any other 11 plus test and is designed to be passed only by a top percentage of children. Usually this is around 25%, meaning that 75% of children would not pass the test. However, the Devon 11 plus is unlike some other exams in that only maths and English are assessed; this makes it more likely that children and parents will understand the question types and will not have to undertake extensive preparation of other subjects. There is no reasoning in the exam, although creative writing is assessed for some schools.

What is a good Devon 11 Plus test score?

A good score in the Devon 11 Plus exam would be a standardised score which placed the applicant in the top 25% of children in the area. This means that an average score of around 100 is likely to miss the entrance criteria and it would be better to aim for around 120 or 125. When undertaking past papers, it is best to try and gain 75% in these to maximise a child’s chances of being assessed as of grammar school standard.

Does the Devon 11 Plus pass mark differ between schools?

The varying pass marks will be determined by how many applicants there are to that particular school and also whether or not the school is oversubscribed. Some schools will need to set higher pass marks to ensure they only take the top percentage of applicants, where others may be able to set the bar lower.

Which schools typically have the highest Devon 11 Plus scores?

Grammar schools in areas with higher demand and a higher oversubscription for places will have higher scores. Normally candidates will be placed into a rank order based on their overall standardised score in the 11 plus exam, and then places will be offered in this order. Once this number has been reached the school may also apply criteria such as sibling priority or priority for looked after children or children of staff members.

Which schools typically have the lowest Devon 11 Plus scores?

Schools situated in areas with lower demand or with little to no oversubscription may well have lower required scores for admission into Year 7. As stated above, parents should carefully check the oversubscription criteria and take this into account when considering which schools they are going to apply to. There may also be an associated postcode area beyond which no child has been offered a place.

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