Grammar Schools in Warwickshire

School Name Type of school Number of pupils Pupils included in progress 8 Progress 8 score Attainment 8 score Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs EBacc average point score
King Edward VI SchoolGrammar School87.0077.000.9980.50100.007.73
Rugby High SchoolGrammar School118.00112.000.8076.6098.007.27
Stratford Girls' Grammar SchoolGrammar School120.00103.000.9480.2098.007.52
Lawrence Sheriff SchoolGrammar School120.00108.000.5773.8098.007.10
Alcester Grammar SchoolGrammar School154.00134.000.3371.0095.006.80
Ashlawn SchoolGrammar School279.00276.00-0.0251.7059.004.98

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