
Tutor profile - Alyssa


English, Geography & Maths

Like all our tutors, Alyssa is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Alyssa holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Alyssa holds a full, clean criminal records checkAlyssa either works or has worked as an examiner for an exam boardAlyssa holds a degree from a Russell Group University

Alyssa's biography

Alyssa is a passionate Geography teacher with experience in teaching GCSE (OCR B and CIE IGCSE) and A-Level (OCR) Geography. She has taught Geography across years 6 to 13 for the past three years, supporting pupils achieve their best possible grade. She is well-acquainted with the common hurdles pupils face. Whether pupils struggling with exam techniques, memorising case studies, or grasping physical geography processes, she have a wealth of resources and experience to guide you through. Lessons will be interactive, with plenty of opportunities for questions, quizzes, and discussions. We will also regularly revisit previous topics to reinforce your knowledge, and tackle exam skills.

Alyssa has also supported pupils through university applications in Geography, including supporting personal statements, and providing guidance on different courses.

Though Alyssa has mainly taught in the UK independent sector, she is familiar with the international school system and the unique set of pressures they provide, having been an IB student in Southeast Asia.

Alyssa's availability

Contact Owl Tutors for availability.

Alyssa's qualifications

Alyssa qualified to teach Geography in 2021, and holds a PGCSE Secondary Geography from Institute of Education, UCL.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
Durham University BA Geography and International Relations 2019

Subjects tutored:

English (ESL)

Geography (KS3, GCSE OCR, IGCSE (Cambridge) and A Level OCR)

Maths (KS1, KS2 and KS3)

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