What is the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

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HollyOwl Tutor

11 Plus, 13 Plus, Other School Entrance, University Admissions, English & Maths

January 28th, 2025

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a key Level 3 task which forms part of the UK education system. This blog will help you to understand more about how the project is assessed, who should undertake it, and how it can enhance the number of UCAS points achieved when applying to undergraduate courses.

What is the Extended Project Qualification?

The Extended Project Qualification, which is often referred to in a shortened form as the EPQ, is a Level 3 qualification offered to students in the UK, usually taken at the same time as other Sixth Form studies. During an EPQ, students will study a topic in-depth and produce a final project, which can take the form of an essay, presentation or physical project. There is an extensive amount of independent work associated with the EPQ and thus it is not suitable for everyone.

How does EPQ relate to A-Levels?

The extended project is normally undertaken alongside A-Levels or other equivalent studies such as IB. Whilst some students may be interested in a topic which relates to one of their subjects, they can also study something completely different, allowing their personal interests to guide them. As long as the subject of the EPQ is considered to be worthy of higher-level study by a teacher at the school, they should be able to choose it. The work required for a successful EPQ is generally considered to be that of around half an A-Level.

How does the EPQ affect UCAS Points?

This will depend on the grade achieved for the EPQ. Up to 28 UCAS points are available on a sliding scale from A*, reducing to 8 if a grade E is achieved. This may help some students to achieve their desired university place, especially if the particular course requires a certain number of UCAS points and they feel they may be unlikely to gain them using simply their A-Levels or equivalent. It is worth checking the requirements for your course carefully before embarking on the challenge of an EPQ.

How to Revise for the EPQ

Unlike exams, the EPQ is a project which can be completed in the student’s own time, usually with a deadline of the summer term of Year 13. However the student can set their own deadline and complete and present their project in accordance with the school’s requirements, allowing them to ‘bank’ the UCAS points before they undertake the challenge of summer examinations. It is for this reason that the EPQ should be seen not as an exam but rather as an extended project (the clue is in the name!)

Project Management skills with the EPQ Success

Most schools will help students to manage their EPQ. There should be set deadlines for planning and delivery, alongside project management strategies such as completing a small task every week. Students will find that there are many strands to the completion of their EPQ, including research (possibly involving trips to archives and libraries), independent study of source material and writing. Each task must be broken down into its component parts and time set aside to achieve it.

What are the Grade Boundaries for the EPQ?

The EPQ grading system is an A* to E system, much like the UK A-Level one. This means that students are assessed based on the final project, but also on the research and independent study they have taken to lead them there. EPQs are assessed internally and moderated by the examination board. Teachers can guide the projects, but much like coursework must not write or edit it themselves. Students should take note of their predicted EPQ grade and work towards this carefully and studiously.

Resources for Further Reading:


  1. UCAS points - EPQ
  2. Calculate your UCAS points

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