I can choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels

What does this objective mean?

This objective requires children to know which units are used for which type of measurement (e.g. ‘I know that mass is measured in kg or g). They should be able to make rough estimates (e.g I think that the door is about 2 metres high) and be able to measure length, mass, temperature and capacity to the nearest unit.

Note: it is very unlikely that children would be asked to use equipment such as scales or thermometers in a 7+ exam. Instead, they may be asked to read a measurement from a picture of such equipment.

How might it be assessed in the 7+?

Children may be asked to make estimates. For example:

Example of estimating mass

Children may be asked to take a reading from a picture of a measuring instrument. For example:

Example of estimating volume

How do I teach this to my child?

This is something that can be incorporated into real life situations. Take your child through the food cupboard and allow them to hold items of different masses. Ask them to estimate the mass of different products and then use the kitchen scales to see if they are right. The same can be done for liquids using a measuring jug, or for lengths using a ruler.

How can we practice this?

Idea: Estimate game

Give your child a 1kg weight (could be a bag of flour for example). Ask them to estimate the mass of various heavy items (e.g. an elephant, a car) by imagining how many bags of flour it would weigh. Use the internet to research the real answer- the person whose estimate was closer wins.

Do the same with length (e.g. how many metre sticks would make up the length of a football field) or capacity (how many litre jugs would it take to fill a swimming pool). This game is designed to give your a child a sense of scale.

Idea: Online games

Topmarks has some fantastic games and activities to help your child practise their measuring skills.




Related objectives for Measurement

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