How to ace School Entrance Maths Exams

Profile photo for Sophie, a tutor with Owl Tutors
SophieOwl Tutor


May 24th, 2023

In this article, Sophie, an experienced maths teacher, shares her top tips to secure top marks in a school entrance exam.

School entrance exams are a crucial stepping stone for students to gain admission to prestigious schools or programs. These exams evaluate a student’s knowledge, skills, and aptitude in various subjects, often pivotal in shaping their academic future. 

School entrance exams often include a Maths component; for many students, Maths can be challenging. However, with the right approach and strategies, you can improve your Maths skills and excel in your school entrance exams. Here are some tips specifically tailored to help you ace your Maths exams.

Understand the Exam Format

The first step to success in any exam is understanding the format. Familiarise yourself with the structure, types of questions, and scoring scheme of the Maths section in your school entrance exams. Know the topics and concepts likely to be covered and the expected difficulty level. Review past exam papers, if available, to get a sense of the exam pattern. Understanding the exam format allows you to strategise your preparation and focus on the most relevant areas.

Embrace Active Learning

Passively reading through textbooks or notes is not enough for Maths success. Embrace active learning strategies that involve solving problems, applying concepts to real-world scenarios, and engaging in hands-on activities. Practise solving different types of Maths problems, including those that are likely to appear in the school entrance exams. Work through examples, practice exercises, and sample papers to build problem-solving skills. Seek clarification from teachers or mentors whenever you encounter difficulties. Active learning helps you internalise the concepts, build confidence, and improve your problem-solving abilities.

Diversify Your Study Resources

Maths is a subject that can be approached from different angles. Make use of a variety of study resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, videos, apps, and interactive websites. Explore different teaching methods, explanations, and examples to understand the concepts comprehensively. Use multiple sources to reinforce your learning and tackle Maths problems from different perspectives. Supplement your school curriculum with additional resources to expand your knowledge and improve your problem-solving skills.

Practice with Real-World Applications

Maths is not just a theoretical subject, but it also has real-world applications. Look for opportunities to apply Maths concepts in everyday life. Practise solving problems related to real-world scenarios, such as calculating discounts, measuring distances, or managing budgets. Apply Maths concepts to practical situations, such as cooking, shopping, or planning trips. This helps you understand the relevance of Maths in real life, strengthens your problem-solving skills, and improves your ability to apply Maths concepts to different situations.

Develop Time Management Skills

Time management is crucial in any exam, especially in Maths exams, where you need to solve problems within a limited time frame. Practise solving Maths problems under timed conditions to improve your speed and accuracy. Use a stopwatch or timer during practice sessions to simulate exam conditions. Learn to manage your time effectively by allocating appropriate time to each question based on its difficulty level. Develop strategies to prioritise questions, skip difficult ones to come back to later, and manage your time efficiently to complete the exam within the given time frame.

Hone Exam-Taking Strategies

In addition to time management, develop exam-taking strategies that work for you. For instance, read the question carefully, underline important information, and identify the key concepts or formulas involved. Plan your approach to solving the problem and show your work clearly to earn partial credit, even if you don’t arrive at the correct answer. Double-check your calculations and ensure you have answered all the questions within the allotted time. Practising these exam-taking strategies during preparation can help you perform better in the exam.

Hire a Maths Tutor

If you need help with Maths, consider hiring a Maths tutor. A qualified tutor can provide personalised guidance, clarify concepts, and offer additional practice materials. They can assess your strengths and weaknesses and tailor their teaching to your specific needs. A Maths tutor can help you understand the concepts in a way that resonates with you, provide additional practice opportunities, and help you build your confidence in Maths. They can also offer valuable tips and techniques for solving Maths problems efficiently and effectively. A tutor can work with you one-on-one, providing individualised attention and feedback. They can identify your areas of improvement and provide targeted support to help you overcome challenges and improve your Maths skills.

Stay Calm and Confident

Last, but not least, it’s important to stay calm and confident during your Maths exams. Anxiety and stress can affect your performance negatively. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing to calm your nerves before and during the exam. Believe in your abilities and stay confident in your problem-solving skills. Remember to read the questions carefully, show your work clearly, and check your answers for accuracy. Stay focused and avoid getting stuck on one question for too long. If you encounter a difficult question, take a deep breath, skip it, and come back to it later. Maintain a positive mindset and approach the exam with a can-do attitude.

School entrance exams are challenging but manageable with the right approach and strategies.

With consistent practice, perseverance, and confidence, you can improve your Maths skills, tackle challenging problems, and excel in your school entrance exams. Remember to stay calm, believe in yourself, and apply these tips to maximise your chances of success. Good luck!

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