The pros and cons of Home Education

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Owl Tutors

September 7th, 2017Last updated: September 23rd, 2022

The decision to home school your child can be a tricky one. This blog post outlines the pros and cons of home education to help you make the right choice.


Influence your child’s education

If you home school your child, you will be able to choose what they study, even if you decide to bring in an outside tutor.

Spend more time with your child

Once children reach school age, you can expect for them to be out of the house for up to 40 hours a week. If you have a busy lifestyle, it is possible that you may not see your child as often as you would like. By home schooling them it is likely that you will be able to spend a lot more time with them!

Enjoy greater flexibility

One drawback of our education system is its rigidity. Governments face a huge challenge to provide the best possible education for millions of students with a limited budget. This often means that students are not being offered the best possible education in school. If you home school your child, you will have the freedom to direct their studies towards areas that you feel will be the most valuable to them.

Control costs

Sending your child to a private school can be exceptionally expensive. Private boarding schools in the western world can now easily cost in excess of £30,000 per annum. If you decide to put together a home schooling curriculum, you are likely to be able to deliver an education for significantly less, even if you do employ private tutors to cover subject matter that you cannot teach yourself.

Offer a better education for students with special educational needs

Schools are often not well equipped to deal with students with special educational needs. As your child's primary carer, you are likely to know more than anyone about what your child needs and how they will best develop. Home schooling has become increasing popular with parents of children with special educational needs as it gives them the chance to provide an education tailored to their child.

Create a supportive learning environment

School can be a traumatic experience for some children. Whilst some children relish competition, others have difficulty in an environment which often benefits those with the most confidence. At home, your child’s needs can be met by creating a supportive environment where they get the attention they need to thrive.

Enjoy flexible term times

Home schooling allows you to plan around other events and activities in your life. It will save you money when booking holidays if you decide to go in ‘term-time’!

Take control of teacher selection

Home schooling allows you the opportunity to hand-select your child’s teachers. Whether you decide to teach them yourself or to employ tutors, the decision belongs to you. If you do decide to work with professional tutors, giving your child some ownership over the choice of tutor can be very motivating for them.

Supported by the government

Home schooling is a recognised form of education in the United Kingdom. It is a requirement that your child is educated full-time from the age of 5 (more than 12 hours a week of supervised education or work experience).


The student may miss out on social interactions at school

This is perhaps the biggest obstacle in deciding whether or not to home school your child.  Often, the social interaction in class and in co-curricular activities helps children to develop strong friendships and understand social norms.

May take up a lot of your time

The government outlines that your child must be getting a full-time education from the age of 5 if they are being homeschooled. This is interpreted as more than 12 hours a week of supervised study or course-related work experience. Furthermore, planning this syllabus will require focus and research for each subject, as well as time dedicated to finding resources that you like and think your child will be engaged with.

Can blur the teacher/ parent relationship

Being your child’s teacher and parent can be difficult. You are wearing two important hats that need distinguishing so that your child knows when you are teacher and when you are not. This blurring of your roles might be complicated further if you decide to share some of the teaching with a professional tutor.

Lack of facilities

Schools are well equipped with facilities to create positive learning environments for children to thrive in. Matching this at home can be difficult.   When it comes to home schooling your child, the decision has to fit with your lifestyle and the goals you have for your child’s education. If you are having a difficult time deciding whether to home school your child, weighing up the pros and cons can be a great way to alleviate any doubts. Take your time and make sure you have thought about each point carefully before making a decision. Either way, you are best placed to make the call so trust your judgement!

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