Are you hoping for your son to win one of the places at Westminster Under School at 7+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your son, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
AuthorOwl TutorsRead3 minutes
Are you considering Latymer Prep for 7+? Hopefully this will help!
AuthorHollyRead3 minutes
Are you hoping for your child to win one of the places at South Hampstead at 7+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your child to applying, exams and the interview process.
AuthorRosieRead3 minutes
Are you hoping for your child to win one of the places at Chepstow House at 7+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your child, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
AuthorRosieRead2 minutes
Eton is arguably the most famous boarding school in the world. In this blog, Ed sets out the main aspects of the Eton admissions procedure with hints and tips that might maximise your son's chances.
AuthorOwl TutorsRead4 minutes
Are you hoping for your son to win one of the places at Kings College Wimbledon at 8+? This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process, from registration to the assessment day itself.
In this blog, Hannah shares her top lessons learned from the 2018/2019 round of 7 Plus and 8 Plus exams. If you are entering your child for the 7+ or 8+ in the next couple of months, these helpful tips and observations from a full-time, professional tutor will give you a flavour of the kinds of things to expect from these assessments.
AuthorOwl TutorsRead6 minutes
In this blog, Sobia takes an in-depth look at the 13+ Harrow and Eton scholarship papers in English, Maths and Science, and offers some useful tips to keep in mind.
AuthorSobiaRead4 minutes
Are you hoping for your son to win one of the places at St Paul's Junior School at 7+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your son, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
Are you hoping for your son to win one of the places at Dulwich Prep at 7+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your son, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
Are you hoping for your son to win one of the places at St Paul's Junior School at 8+? Read on! This blog tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your son, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
Are you hoping for your child to win one of the places at Forest School at 7+? Read on! This guide tells you everything you need to know about the application process: from registering your child, to pre-tests, exams and the interview.
AuthorRosieRead4 minutes
This year, St Paul’s School are changing things up for the 7 and 8 Plus entrance exams, and the English paper will now include a dictation rather than a creative writing task (composition). It is worth considering that other schools may follow suit, and in this blog, Meredith sets out how best to prepare for this exam format.
AuthorMeredithRead4 minutes
In this blog, Sobia - an experienced school entrance tutor - explains the Eton College admissions procedure for 13+ candidates, and provides a clear step-by-step guide of what to expect at the different stages.
AuthorSobiaRead3 minutes
Author: Meredith
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