Eaton House The Manor (Preparatory)

Holly was a fantastic help ensuring our daughter was engaged, enjoyed her lessons and the quality of education was such that our daughter felt far more confident with her work.

Parent of 11 Plus student

8 Plus admissions

Eaton House The Manor (Preparatory) has an admissions point at 8 Plus. This means that they assess students hoping to enter the school in Year 4 and offer places based on the results of this assessment.

We have a number of qualified tutors with experience of preparing students for the 8 Plus. In this section, you can find a list of tutors who have helped prepare students for this particular school, advice on the entrance exam and some useful practice papers.

School data for Eaton House The Manor (Preparatory)

Coordinates: 528183, 178867

Type of establishment: Other independent school

Local authority: Westminster

Address: 3-5 Eaton Gate


Town / city: London

Postcode: SW1W 9BA

Phone number: 2079246000


Age range: 3 to 11

Offers boarding? No

Has a sixth form? No

Gender: Boys

Is selective? No

Number of pupils: 162

Number of boys: 162

Nearby schools to Eaton House The Manor (Preparatory)

Sussex House School (0.28 miles)

More House School (0.3 miles)

Hill House School (0.31 miles)

Garden House School (0.33 miles)

Knightsbridge School (0.38 miles)

Eaton Square Prep School (0.54 miles)

Westminster Cathedral Choir School (0.67 miles)

Westminster Under School (0.91 miles)

Glendower Preparatory School (1.05 miles)

Nearby tutors

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