Small Acres

Gil is a fantastic tutor. My son not only learnt a lot of maths in his lessons with Gil but also thoroughly enjoyed the lessons. Gil is a great communicator and promptly informed me of how each lesson went, which was really helpful. We felt very fortunate to have Gil as our son's maths tutor - our son was offered a place at all the schools to which he applied.

Parent of 11 Plus student

School data for Small Acres

Coordinates: 535201, 174787

Type of establishment: Other independent school

Local authority: Southwark

Address: Peckham Rye Playground

Homestall Road

Town / city: London

Postcode: SE22 0SB

Age range: 5 to 11

Offers boarding? No

Has a sixth form? No

Gender: Mixed

Is selective? No

Nearby schools to Small Acres

Alleyn's School (1.15 miles)

James Allen's Girls' School (1.31 miles)

St Dunstan's College (1.43 miles)

Dulwich College (1.67 miles)

Dulwich Prep & Senior (1.98 miles)

Sydenham High School, GDST (2.08 miles)

Rosemead Preparatory School (2.2 miles)

Blackheath Prep (3.28 miles)

Colfe's School (3.35 miles)

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