Our Dysgraphia tutors are all qualified teachers with additional experience or qualifications in supporting students with Dysgraphia. We believe one to one support can make a huge difference to a child’s education. Our tutors can provide support across a range of school entrance, GCSE and A-level subjects. Below, you will find a list of our tutors and further information. Refine your results by using the search box above, or view all Dysgraphia tutors below:
Jacqueline studied at Oxford University, graduating with a 2 1 After a career in marketing, she decided to pursue a career in teaching...
R my is an outstanding, full-time tutor and role-model who has a proven track record of success with admissions to top London schools...
Kelly qualified as a teacher in 2006 after graduating from the Institute of Education in London She joined a London Independent school and...
Dysgraphia is a recognised need that relates to difficulties with writing due to an impairment of fine motor skills, which are essential when it comes to writing.
This is most often associated with subjects such as English and the humanities but Dysgraphia can also impact a students work in mathematics, particularly when it comes down to writing extended responses.
As such, if left unsupported, Dysgraphia can impact a child’s attitude to writing, and by implication, learning. No-one really knows the root cause of Dysgraphia and unlike Dyslexia and Dyscalculia it is harder to research clinically and therefore there is much less research data available.
That said it’s important that those children with Dyspraxia can get specialist support to help them. This short guide is designed to give you an overview of the key features of Dysgraphia and how a child (or adult!) can be supported.
Like many needs, dysgraphia can vary from person to person. There are however, broad features which many people with Dysgraphia share. Some common features include, but are not limited to:
There are a number of strategies available that can help children and adults with Dysgraphia. It’s important to remember though that unlike other needs there is much less research associated with Dysgraphia than other needs. It is worth liaising closely with your child’s teacher and dysgraphia specialists. Things that might help include:
As we have seen, unlike many SEN needs there is little in the way of consistent research into Dysgraphia. That said, there are useful strategies that can be employed to support children and young people.
Read and Spell website – 9 useful strategies for helping students with Dysgraphia
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