
Tutor profile - Andrea


7 Plus, 8 Plus, Business, Economics, French & Spanish

Like all our tutors, Andrea is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Andrea holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Andrea holds a full, clean criminal records checkAndrea holds a PhDAndrea holds a Masters degree

Andrea's biography

Andreea studied at the University of Grenoble from 2006 until 2011, where she completed a Master's Degree in Business Studies, specializing in Entrepreneurship. She completed this qualification in French. After graduation she worked for 6 years in Paris, as a financial analyst. In 2016 she moved to England to pursue a career in Education. She completed her QTS in 2018, with a PGCE from Leicester University. She worked as a secondary school teacher in England from 2018 to 2021, teaching Business and Economics from GCSE to A-level. She also taught French and Spanish, as part of her teaching qualification. In 2021 she moved to Sweden where she worked at the International School of Helsingborg from August 2021 until November 2024. Here she familiarized herself with the IB curriculum, while teaching French, Spanish and IndSoc at the MYP and DP level. In her spare time Andreea likes to go cycling and hiking.

IB Experience

Andreea worked for three years and a half at the International School of Helsingborg as French teacher at the MYP, Spanish teacher at the MYP, Spanish teacher ab Initio at the DP and Individuals and Societies teacher at the MYP.

Andrea's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

Monday: 8:30 AM - 2 PM, 7-9 PM Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 2 PM, 7-9 PM Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 2 PM, 7-9 PM Thursday: 8:30 AM - 2 PM, 7-9 PM Friday:8:30 AM - 2 PM, 7-9 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, 7-9 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, 7-9 PM

Andrea's qualifications

Andrea qualified to teach French in 2018, and holds a PGCE from Leicester University.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
Grenoble University, France PhD in Business 2011

Subjects tutored:

7 Plus

8 Plus

Business (GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE, IGCSE (Cambridge), A Level AQA, A Level Cambridge International, A Level Edexcel, A Level OCR, IB Standard Level and IB Higher Level)

Economics (GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE, A Level AQA, A Level Edexcel, A Level OCR, IB Standard Level and IB Higher Level)

French (General, KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE, IGCSE (Cambridge), A Level AQA, A Level Cambridge International, A Level Edexcel, A Level OCR, Pre-U, IB Standard Level, IB Higher Level, IB MYP, Advanced Placement and Undergraduate)


Spanish (General, KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE and IGCSE (Cambridge))

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