What should my child know 18 months before the 7+ examination?

The following checklist outlines the knowledge and skills we recommend your child is secure in 18 months before the 7+ examination.

The knowledge and skills within the checklist are in line with Level 1 of the National Curriculum and are split into three main areas: Interpersonal skills (which are likely to be assessed during group activities and individual interviews), English and Mathematics.

It is important to remember that this list is not exhaustive, and the content of the examination will vary from school to school. Also, it may be possible for exams to assess children on skills that are more advanced than those suggested in our checklist.

To prepare your child for the 7+ exam 18 months in advance, we recommend playing interactive games and activities with your child as this will be in line with the way they learn in the Reception classroom. It is important to make learning engaging and motivating for your child at this stage to allow them to foster enjoyment of learning.

More formal tuition usually takes place from Year 1 onwards.

Interpersonal skills:

  • I can play and work in a group with other children
  • I know how to be friendly towards others
  • I can take turns when I play a game
  • I can wait my turn to say something in a classroom
  • I can share with others
  • I can concentrate and pay attention to the task in hand
  • I know that I have to work hard to achieve my goals
  • I can explain what I am good at and what went well in a task
  • I can tell you something special about me
  • I say "please" and "thank you"
  • I can fasten my own jacket and put on my shoes
  • I can listen to and follow instructions

English / Literacy

Talking and listening

  • I am aware of the letters of the alphabet and can use these to help me read words


  • I can discuss the main events in a story
  • I can find information in a text
  • I can sequence events in a story


  • I can write a sentence using common words
  • I can use a capital letter and a full stop
  • I can form my letters correctly
  • I can use ideas from other stories to write my own



  • I can count up to 20 objects
  • I can read and write numbers to 20
  • I can order numbers to 20
  • I can count on and back in ones from any given number (0-20)
  • I can find one more and one less than any given number (0-20)
  • I can explain first, second third etc.
  • I can count in 2s to 20
  • I can count in 10s to 100
  • I can add and subtract to 20
  • I know doubles to 10
  • I know basic vocabulary words for addition and subtraction
  • Estimate how many objects I can see and count to check

Shape, space and measure

  • I can name and describe simple features of 2D shapes
  • I can name and describe features of 3D shapes
  • I can order lengths
  • I can use words like longer, shorter, heavier and lighter
  • I can put items into order of weight
  • I can name the days of the week in order
  • I can read o’clock and half past times
  • I know the relationship between minutes, hours and days
  • I can shade half and quarter of a shape

Handling data

  • I can sort objects into certain criteria
  • I can complete a Venn and Carroll diagram
  • I can record results in list, tables and pictograms
  • I can complete simple block graphs
  • I can answer questions about information displayed in graphs


A note on using past papers

At 18 months out, you are too far too early to start using past papers. When your child is ready, you can find our collection of past papers here:

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