Free Exam Papers

The following papers have been written in-house by our expert team of tutors.

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Sian is the perfect teacher for this role. I am extremely happy with her services and highly recommend her. Not only her knowledge and understanding but her advice is equally important and valuable in my decision making
Melisa has been such a brilliant tutor for Jonah. She is knowledgable, supportive and caring and Jonah’s confidence and understanding of Maths has increased tenfold since having his sessions with her. Her feedback after each session is extremely useful and provides detailed information on what has been covered and useful tips for his teacher and us as well. She really is an incredible tutor and we feel so lucky to have found her!
Sophie was fantastic with our son who can loose attention. She was patient and resourceful in how she motivated him to focus. Our son excelled with Sophie and was accepted into both schools he applied for, thank you so much for helping him excel in the 7+!
Natalie has been a brilliant maths tutor to our daughter over this academic year. Natalie has a very calm, warm manner and takes time to plan engaging and well-paced lessons. Natalie took time to set manageable homework tasks and gave helpful feedback on my daughter’s progress and areas to focus on. My daughter never complained about logging in to online lessons with Natalie and definitely benefitted from Natalie’s patience and interactive ideas. Natalie’s experience as a class teacher meant that I was confident that the lessons were focussed on the curriculum yet adapted to an appropriate level. I would definitely recommend Natalie!
Simon is very knowledgeable a great teacher and makes my son feel comfortable with Math.

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