Fun Summer Projects

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Owl Tutors

June 16th, 2021Last updated: July 28th, 2023

Working out how to keep children entertained over the holidays is a yearly challenge. In this blog, Ed explores the benefits of summer project work on any topic. Although not the most obvious option, giving children the chance to explore beyond the school curriculum, free from exam worries, can be a rewarding and fun way to spend some free time.

Fun Summer Projects

As another very strange academic year comes to an end, many of us are now facing a familiar question: how do we keep the kids entertained over the summer holidays? One option, although not the most obvious, is to think about the best elements of what tuition can provide but take away the exam pressure.

There is no doubt that specialist tutoring helps students to prepare for examinations.  We have no doubt we have the best tutors in the world, all experienced and qualified teachers, with huge amounts of exam entrance experience, as well as GCSE and A-level.

But is that all tutoring is good for?

The answer of course, is no.

Why we teach

When I decided to become a teacher, it was because I was crazy about my subject: Philosophy. So much so, I wanted to share my passion with students. I wanted them to discover Plato, Hannah Arendt and all those in between.  I wanted them to think critically and carefully, until perhaps they might eventually doubt their own existence.  It is the love of the subject and the act of sharing that subject which brings us into the profession.

Just think about an inspiring teacher you may have had at school.  I bet they certainly didn’t focus solely on exams, but on the subject they no doubt loved.  Perhaps there was a particularly inspiring lesson that has stayed with you long after your school years finished.  If so, please let us know below, we’d love to hear about it!

Fun Summer Projects

While students are off over the summer, it’s important they have a chance to unwind.  They will also have a good opportunity to dive deeper into areas they are interested in or discover new ones and embark on a new, enriching project free from formalised assessments.  Studying for fun feels different to studying for exams.  It also allows for students to go well beyond the formalised school curriculum and study at their own pace.

A tutor can provide support, guidance and depth to this study.  Important research skills can be honed, knowledge gained and new passions discovered.  All while having fun.

Imagination is the limit when it comes to thinking of extra-curricular projects. Here are a few ideas:

  • Quick Start/Booster Languages: French/Spanish/Mandarin etc
  • From Athena to Zeus: Greek Mythology for Kids
  • The Next Big Hit: Story writing skills
  • Where do islands come from?: Undersea Volcanoes
  • How can giraffes be real?: Naturalist studies
  • The Young Scholar: Classical Liberal Arts (history, Latin, literature etc)
  • Why are there no king ants?: Introduction to Myrmecology
  • What’s out there?: The history and future of the solar system
  • And many, many more

As you can see there is a huge variety of projects and fun lessons that can be had.  It might even produce memories that will stay with your child, just like lessons we might remember now.  Or perhaps you’re reading this and thinking “I wouldn’t mind learning something new”. If so, we would love to find a top teacher to guide you through a passion project or help develop a new skill!

If you would like to explore the possibility of some summer fun tuition, please do get in touch.

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