Sue is an experienced primary with a successful track record of supporting pupils with entrance exam preparation (7+, 9+,11+, SET test for Grammar...
Situated in Dulwich in South-East London, Alleyn’s School educates around 1300 pupils between the ages of 4 and 18. It is co-educational, and day only, and is a very popular choice for local families and those living in nearby areas of London, meaning entry is highly competitive. Founded by Edward Alleyn over 400 years ago, the school became co-educational in 1976, and the Junior School opened in 1992. Standard entry points to the Junior School are 4+, 7+ and 9+, with entry to the Senior School available at 11+ and 16+ only. Occasional vacancies in other year groups are rare, and often only notified at the last minute. Current Junior School pupils must sit the 11+ entrance exam with external pupils, although they can automatically move up to the Senior School. On this page you will find information about each entry point to Alleyn’s School, alongside details of our tutors who are available to support the entry process.
Alleyn’s School has one main Open Day in the Autumn Term for Junior School entry, which is bookable on the school website. Places are limited and must be booked in advance. For specific year entry in Junior School (4+, 7+ and 9+) , there are also some tours on Tuesdays and Thursdays; these also fill up quickly and the school usually operates a waiting list. For Senior School entry there is an Open Afternoon in the Summer Term, also bookable on the school website. There are specific tours available for both 11+ and 16+ entry on this day, with subject-specific information also available to parents and prospective pupils. As with Junior School, there are Senior School small group tours available which are bookable on the website and take place in the Summer Term.
Following an application to Alleyn’s School a year in advance of the proposed entry date, children looking for 4+ entry will be invited to an assessment day in either the late Autumn or early Spring term. The dates are based on the child’s age, so that children of the same age are assessed at the same time. A report will be sought from the child’s nursery, if applicable. There will be a mix of activities, including reasoning, group activities and language. Following this assessment, offers are sent out by the end of January and must be accepted within a week.
7+ entry to Alleyn’s School is a popular entry point, but with only around 10 new children being accepted each year, it is also highly competitive. This is a two-stage process, with both stages being completed by the end of January. The first stage is an assessment day, with English (both comprehension and creative writing), Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning exams. The second stage involves further tests in Reading and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Additionally, there are group activities and an interview. Offers are sent out in early February and must be accepted within a week.
9+ entry to Alleyn’s School is the final entry point to the Junior School. Pupils will sit a two-stage assessment in January preceding the proposed date of entry in September. The first stage involves examinations in English, Maths and Spatial (similar to non-verbal) Reasoning. Sample papers for English and Maths are available on the school website. The second stage (to which successful candidates are invited back) involves an interview with the Headteacher and is likely to include Maths and English questions as well as the usual questions about hobbies and current affairs. Following the completion of this two-stage process, offers are sent out by the end of January and must be accepted within a week.
11+ entry to Alleyn’s Senior School is the only standard entry point before 16+ entry in the Sixth Form, so is very popular and highly competitive. There are around 100 places available for new pupils, and 50 for pupils joining from the Junior School. This is a two-stage process, and applications must be made at least a year before the proposed entry date. All applicants are invited to attend a taster afternoon in the Autumn Term of Year 6. Pupils will then attend the school in January and sit assessments in English, Maths and Reasoning. A report will also be requested from their current school. Sample papers for English and Maths are available on the Alleyn’s School website, and Reasoning papers are standardized by age. The English exam (40 minutes) is a creative writing test and the Maths exam (30 minutes) is based on the National Curriculum syllabus, with detailed topic information available on the website. Reasoning (45 minutes) includes verbal, non-verbal and spatial reasoning and is completed on paper. The second stage of 11+ entry to Alleyn’s Senior School is a further assessment day. This will involve an interview and a group assessment test. Following success at this second stage, offers will be sent out and must be accepted promptly.
The 11 Plus entrance examination at Alleyn's School is an important step for those families looking at move school at this stage: over 150 places are available in Year 7, with around two thirds of these going to new students. Recently, the school has decided not to use the ISEB common pre-test, and instead focus on their own examinations in Reasoning, English and Maths. This also pushes back the process from the Autumn Term of Year 6 to the Spring Term of Year 6.
The format of the 11 Plus at Alleyn's is now purely based on three papers: Reasoning, English and Maths. Whilst the ISEB tested Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning alongside English and Maths, the Alleyn's 11 plus is now focused on the two core subjects plus reasoning and does not test verbal and non verbal separately. The format of the English and Maths has also moved from solely multiple choice to a mix of short and longer answers. This means that parents who wish to apply to Alleyn's will need to ensure the January date is in their diary, and make sure that their child can attend the entrance examinations in person.
The assessment criteria for Maths and English will now be set by teaching staff at Alleyn's rather than by ISEB. There are sample papers available which help to make it clear when and how marks are awarded. The reasoning paper is set by GL Assessment, who provide familiarisation papers on their website and are a key provider of 11 plus tests across the country.
Alleyn's attracts a wide range of students from both prep and primary schools. Those pupils who apply from primary schools do not have the facility to sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test at their current school, making it more difficult to manage their applications. By testing all prospective pupils at the school itself, Alleyn's can standardise the assessments and ensure they attract the best candidates for their places.
With these changes, preparation strategies will need to also change. Sample papers are available and can be used to check the format of the exams. There should be more focus on comprehension and understanding, and then continuing the story. The English paper is effectively a piece of directed writing, but there is an element of comprehension involved as the text needs to be understood before the writing can commence. The Maths paper consists of questions based on the National Curriculum but is more challenging and extension questions are very likely towards the end of the paper.
Future applicants ensure the new dates are in their diary, particularly if they are applying to more than one school. A well-qualified tutor will help to bridge any gaps, and can work specifically on directed writing and on extension tasks in Maths. Finally, preparation will need to take place for the reasoning paper, as this is unlikely to have been taught in schools.
16+ entry to Alleyn’s School Sixth Form (Upper School) is a popular entry point. Applications are made a year in advance; this is a two-stage process. The first stage involves assessment in critical thinking, qualitative and quantitative reasoning. The reasoning papers are non-calculator and multiple choice and based on GCSE Maths and other subjects at the same level. Critical thinking is an English-skills based paper which involves writing a short essay response to a topical question. Examples of these questions are available on the school website. The second stage consists of four interviews, one general and three subject-specific. Following success at this second stage, offers will be sent out and must be accepted promptly.
Scholarships are available at Alleyn’s School for 11+ and 16+ entry only. Scholarships have a value of up to £5000 a year. At 11+, scholarships are available in music, drama, design and technology, art and sport, alongside academic scholarships. Potential academic scholarship candidates are identified using the entrance assessment process, and following the second stage, are invited back for a third stage for a workshop day. For music, drama, design and
technology, art and sport scholarships, separate applications must be made and candidates are invited to attend specific assessment days. At 16+, scholarships are available in performing arts and music alongside academic scholarships.
Bursaries are available at Alleyn’s School for those pupils whose families would not normally be able to afford the educational opportunities offered by the school. These awards are means-tested and more information is available from the school.
Coordinates: 533359, 174611
Type of establishment: Other independent school
Local authority: Southwark
Address: Townley Road
Town / city: London
Postcode: SE22 8SU
Phone number: 2085571500
Age range: 4 to 18
Offers boarding? No
Has a sixth form? Yes
Gender: Mixed
Is selective? Yes
Number of pupils: 1427
Number of girls: 747
Number of boys: 680
James Allen's Girls' School (0.16 miles)
Dulwich College (1.01 miles)
Small Acres (1.15 miles)
Rosemead Preparatory School (1.3 miles)
Dulwich Prep & Senior (1.43 miles)
Sydenham High School, GDST (2.11 miles)
St Dunstan's College (2.42 miles)
Streatham & Clapham High School (2.77 miles)
Eaton House the Manor School (3.02 miles)
Most recent year on file: 2024
166 students were entered for A-level exams at Alleyn’s School in 2024.
Their average result as a point score was A.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 51.33.
64.60% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 51.61.
156 students were entered for A-level exams at Alleyn’s School in 2023.
Their average result as a point score was A.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 50.91.
55.60% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 51.13.
153 students were entered for A-level exams at Alleyn’s School in 2022.
Their average result as a point score was A+.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 53.28.
59.1% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A+.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 53.38.
Most recent year on file: 2024
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 155.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00%.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00%.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 64.3.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 5.65.
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 151.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0%.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0%.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 65.1.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 5.92.
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 149.00.
Number of pupils included in Progress 8 measure: 0.00.
Progress 8 measure after adjustment for extreme scores: 0.00.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 65.40.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 5.95.
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