Bridge School

Holly was a fantastic help ensuring our daughter was engaged, enjoyed her lessons and the quality of education was such that our daughter felt far more confident with her work.

Parent of 11 Plus student

School data for Bridge School

Coordinates: 525087, 201323

Type of establishment: Other independent school

Local authority: Shropshire

Address: C/O Cambian Education

Metropolitan House

Town / city: Potters Bar

Postcode: EN6 1AG

Age range: 11 to 18

Offers boarding? No

Has a sixth form? Yes

Gender: Mixed

Is selective? No

Nearby schools to Bridge School

St John's Preparatory and Senior School (1.62 miles)

Manor Lodge School (3.09 miles)

Nearby tutors

Tutors in Whetstone & Totteridge

Tutors in Southgate

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Tutors in Mill Hill

Most recent exam results for Bridge School

Key Stage 4 results for Bridge School

Most recent year on file: 2022

KS4 results for 2022

Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 3.00.

Number of pupils included in Progress 8 measure: 0.00.

Progress 8 measure after adjustment for extreme scores: 0.00.

% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00.

% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00.

Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 0.00.

Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 0.00.

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