Trinity School tutors

Trinity School entrance guide

Founded in 1596, Trinity School is part of the John Whitgift Foundation and is situated in Croydon in South London. Oversubscribed at all entry points, this popular day school has over 1000 pupils who come from all over South London, with school minibuses and public transport both providing excellent options for travel. Trinity School caters for boys aged 10-18, with girls educated from age 16 only in the sixth form. It is unusual amongst independent schools in starting at Year 6 rather than Year 7, so there are four standard entry points: 10+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Below you can find our guide to all entry points to Trinity School alongside details of our tutors who can support pupils and families seeking admission there.

Open Days and Events at Trinity School

Regular tours of Trinity School take place for specific entry points, and these are available to book on the school website. There is also a virtual tour for those families unable to visit, alongside introductory videos with key staff and pupils talking about their experience of the school. In addition, a whole school open day takes place early in the Autumn Term for entry at 10+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Tours are also offered to prospective pupils once offers of places have been sent out.

10+ Entry to Trinity School

Following registration in the Autumn Term of Year 5, boys will undertake a two-stage admissions process for 10+ entry to Trinity School. The first stage is an assessment day, with exams in Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning, which takes place later the same term. The English exam, which is one hour long, consists of both comprehension and free writing. The Maths exam is non-calculator and consists of short and longer answer questions; Verbal Reasoning is based on age-appropriate tests for this year group. The second stage for successful boys is an interview of between 15 and 30 minutes which will be held early in the Spring Term. Following this, offers are sent out and a final tour is available for prospective pupils before decisions have to be made.  

11+ Entry to Trinity School

The process for 11+ entry to Trinity School is very similar to 10+, with a two-stage process. Entrance exams take place in English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning, with successful boys going forward to the interview stage. Following this, offers are sent out and a final tour is available for prospective pupils before decisions have to be made. 

13+ Entry to Trinity School

There are two options for 13+ entry to Trinity School. Prospective pupils can undertake the ISEB pre-test in Year 6 which, subject to success, offers guaranteed entry into Year 9. This pre-test is normally sat at the child’s current school. There is also a more traditional route of entrance exams and interview in Year 8, which mirrors the process for 10+ and 11+ entry described above. Boys wishing to sit the entrance exams in year 8 will sit exams in English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning which, whilst age-appropriate, follow the same format as the 10+ and 11+ exams. The second stage is an interview, and offers are sent out promptly after this. As with 10+ and 11+ entry, final tours are available to help with decision-making. 

16+ Entry to Trinity School

Applications for 16+ entry to Trinity School open early, in the Summer Term of Year 10, and there is a specific Sixth Form Open Evening early in the Autumn term of Year 11 followed by a subject Open Evening for applicants later that term. This is the first entry point at which girls can apply as well as boys. The first stage for Sixth Form entry is an examination day, with three exams taking place, broadly based on English, Maths and Reasoning skills. These exams are designed to be accessible to all pupils who are taking GCSEs in English, Maths and Science. Following this, successful pupils will be invited to interview. Offers will be sent out shortly afterwards and are conditional on specific GCSE grades being achieved. 

Scholarships and Bursaries to Trinity School

Scholarships are available for entry to Trinity School at 10+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. The entrance examinations form the basis for decisions about academic scholarships, so there is no separate assessment for these. At all entry points, there are also scholarships available in Music, Drama, Sport, Art and Design and Technology. Details of the application process, which varies for each entry point, is available on the school website but essentially involves a further assessment day following the standard entrance exams. Prospective pupils can apply for up to two of these scholarships. All scholarships are worth up to 50% of fees. 

Bursaries are available for entry to Trinity School at all entry points for those families who would otherwise be unable to afford the educational opportunities offered by the school. . There are two sources of bursarial support, the Whitgift Foundation and Trinity School itself. All bursaries are means-tested and can be applied for alongside scholarships to increase the fee remission available. 

Gil is an extremely organised and engaging tutor who makes maths learning fun. My son always enjoys his sessions with Gil.
Amy was an amazing tutor to my two boys while we were based in London. I have just received feedback from my son’s school teacher that the work Amy taught him while we were away had extended him beyond the curriculum and she was super impressed with what he had learned! Lovely person, we are thankful to her. Highly recommend.
My daughter was very close to her Science GCSEs and had asked us to arrange a couple of months tuition for her to increase her confidence and help her to increase her grades by a point or two. I was delighted and relieved by how quickly I was put in touch with John and how quickly we were able to schedule sessions. I shared her mock papers with him and he was able to pinpoint where to target his sessions providing her with relevant practice questions in the interim. She came out of Chemistry saying it was the best exam of her life ! Thanks John for delivering exactly what we needed. Will not hesitate to reach out to Owl in the future.
Joseph’s confidence has grown exponentially thanks to Julian’s help.
Nicola is an excellent tutor! Every lesson is well prepared and delivered to the high standards. Not a single minute is wasted. Our son's results and confidence in English improved within a very short time of tutoring with Nicola. She is the G.O.A.T (in our son's best football comments)

School data for Trinity School

Coordinates: 535116, 165787

Type of establishment: Other independent school

Local authority: Croydon

Address: Shirley Park


Postcode: CR9 7AT

Phone number: 2086569541

Age range: 10 to 18

Offers boarding? No

Has a sixth form? Yes

Gender: Mixed

Is selective? No

Number of pupils: 1032

Number of girls: 90

Number of boys: 942

Nearby schools to Trinity School

Royal Russell School (1.23 miles)

Old Palace of John Whitgift School (1.97 miles)

Whitgift School (2.08 miles)

Croydon High School (2.34 miles)

Bishop Challoner School (3.28 miles)

Sydenham High School, GDST (3.55 miles)

Dulwich Prep & Senior (4.23 miles)

Dulwich College (4.63 miles)

Rosemead Preparatory School (4.74 miles)

Nearby tutors

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Most recent exam results for Trinity School

Key Stage 5 results for Trinity School

Most recent year on file: 2024

KS5 results for 2024

167 students were entered for A-level exams at Trinity School in 2024.

Their average result as a point score was A.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 48.73.

50.60% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 48.78.

KS5 results for 2023

171 students were entered for A-level exams at Trinity School in 2023.

Their average result as a point score was A-.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 48.26.

43.30% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 48.37.

KS5 results for 2022

174 students were entered for A-level exams at Trinity School in 2022.

Their average result as a point score was A+.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 52.54.

50.9% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A+.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 52.57.

Key Stage 4 results for Trinity School

Most recent year on file: 2024

KS4 results for 2024

Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 125.

% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00%.

% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00%.

Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 15.8.

Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 0.35.

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