
Charterhouse school entrance tutors

Sobia is every parent's dream of what a tutor should be. Rest assured, your ward is in good hands.

Parent of 16 Plus student (Marlborough and Charterhouse)

13 Plus admissions

Charterhouse has an admissions point at 13 Plus. This means that they have an assessment for students hoping to enter the school in Year 9.

We have a number of qualified tutors with experience of preparing students across the various subjects tested at 13 Plus. In this section, you can find a list of tutors who have helped prepare students for this particular school, advice on the entrance exam and some useful practice papers.

16 Plus admissions

Charterhouse has an admissions point at 16 Plus. This means that they have an assessment for students hoping to enter the school in Sixth Form. Students will typically sit papers in their chosen subjects for A-Level, IB or Pre-U.

We have a number of tutors who can prepare students across the various subjects tested at 16 Plus and further advice on the entrance exam can be found in this section.