Whitgift School tutors

Whitgift School entrance guide

Founded by the eponymous John Whitgift in the sixteenth century, Whitgift School is situated in Croydon, South London, amongst extensive playing fields. A large school, with just under 1,300 boys enrolled, it caters for both day pupils and boarders (full boarding available from Year 9 onwards but flexi-boarding from Year 7), with a fairly high proportion travelling to the UK to board. Entry to the school is mainly via the 11+ but occasional places are offered throughout each year, though the number of vacancies can vary. Separate entry points at 10+ and 13+ remain popular with a few sixth form applications at 16+. To be offered a place, boys will need to perform well on their assessments as well as at interview. Below, you can meet our tutors who have experience supporting boys to Whitgift and read our guide to the most popular entry points.

Open days and events at Whitgift School

Open days and Events at Whitgift School

Open events take place at Whitgift School each term, and details can be found on the school website. These are pre-bookable, and places are limited. There is also an excellent virtual tour available for those unable to travel to the school in person. For those interested in finding out more about the school before making a decision, Whitgift School also publish a regular podcast which is available online to download.

10+ and 11+ entry to Whitgift School

The process for 10+ and 11+ entry to Whitgift School is largely the same, with slightly different entry papers depending on the age of the child. If a boy is unsuccessful at 10+, there is nothing to stop him applying again for 11+ entry the following year. 

Following an application in Year 5 for 10+ entry (or Year 6 for 11+ entry), boys are invited to an examination day in the latter part of the Autumn Term. Here they will sit assessments in English, Maths and Critical Thinking. The English paper is divided into two parts. Firstly, boys are assessed on their creative writing skills, and secondly, on their spelling, grammatical and punctuation accuracy and their comprehension skills. The comprehension will often be a poem. The Maths exam is non-calculator and consists of a mix of basic and more complex problem-solving questions. Critical thinking sample papers are not available but recent experience suggests they are based on types of problem solving questions commonly found at this level. 

The second stage of the process is an invitation to an interview, which takes place in the Spring Term prior to entry. Parents are also interviewed at this point, and a decision is taken shortly thereafter, with offers posted by February half term.

13+ Entry to Whitgift School

13+ entry to Whitgift School is a popular choice, with places available for boarders in advance if they sit the 11+ exam papers in Year 6. Day pupils will apply in Year 8 and sit entrance examinations in English, Maths and Science in the Autumn Term. Sample papers are available on the website. The 13+ English exam at Whitgift School consists of a comprehension and a creative writing paper, with an emphasis on an understanding of poetry. The 13+ Maths exam is a mixture of basic calculations and problem-solving questions and is non-calculator. The 13+ Science paper is based on the National Curriculum for that age group and consists of a mix of shorter and longer answers. 

The second stage of the 13+ entry process to Whitgift School is an invitation to interview, which takes place in the Autumn Term; parents are also interviewed and a decision is made shortly after this, with offers posted by the end of the term.

16+ Entry to Whitgift School

16+ entry to Whitgift School is available through a two stage process. The first stage is an entrance examination, taken in two of the pupil’s proposed A-Level or IB subject choices and also in Critical Thinking. Boys are expected to achieve good GCSE results, with a minimum number of grades at grade 7. The second stage is an interview with a senior member of staff at Whitgift School; parents are also interviewed and a decision is made shortly after this, with offers posted by the end of the Autumn Term.

Scholarships and Bursaries at Whitgift School

Scholarships are available at Whitgift School. Academic scholarships are awarded following the entrance examinations; some are worth up to 50% of the fees. Boys who wish to be awarded an academic scholarship at 11+ will have an extra stage to their application, a scholarship assessment day at school, to which they will be invited. 

Scholarships are also available for Art, Design and Technology, Music, Drama and Sport. Art, Drama, Music and Sport scholarships are available at all entry points. Design and Technology scholarships are available at 13+ and 16+ only. Detailed information is available on the website, but it should be noted that prospective pupils can be awarded a maximum of three different scholarships.

Bursaries are available at Whitgift School for those boys who would otherwise be unable to access the education the school provides. The John Whitgift Foundation makes provision for bursarial support for up to 110% of the fees (thus including extras such as trips and uniform). Details are available on the website, and an application for a bursary must be made at the same time as a general application to the school. 

Gil is an extremely organised and engaging tutor who makes maths learning fun. My son always enjoys his sessions with Gil.
Amy was an amazing tutor to my two boys while we were based in London. I have just received feedback from my son’s school teacher that the work Amy taught him while we were away had extended him beyond the curriculum and she was super impressed with what he had learned! Lovely person, we are thankful to her. Highly recommend.
My daughter was very close to her Science GCSEs and had asked us to arrange a couple of months tuition for her to increase her confidence and help her to increase her grades by a point or two. I was delighted and relieved by how quickly I was put in touch with John and how quickly we were able to schedule sessions. I shared her mock papers with him and he was able to pinpoint where to target his sessions providing her with relevant practice questions in the interim. She came out of Chemistry saying it was the best exam of her life ! Thanks John for delivering exactly what we needed. Will not hesitate to reach out to Owl in the future.
Joseph’s confidence has grown exponentially thanks to Julian’s help.
Nicola is an excellent tutor! Every lesson is well prepared and delivered to the high standards. Not a single minute is wasted. Our son's results and confidence in English improved within a very short time of tutoring with Nicola. She is the G.O.A.T (in our son's best football comments)

School data for Whitgift School

Coordinates: 532282, 164019

Type of establishment: Other independent school

Local authority: Croydon

Address: Whitgift School

Haling Park

Postcode: CR2 6YT

Phone number: 2086889222

Website: http://www.whitgift.co.uk/

Age range: 10 to 18

Offers boarding? Yes

Has a sixth form? Yes

Gender: Boys

Is selective? No

Number of pupils: 1556

Number of boys: 1556

Nearby schools to Whitgift School

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Trinity School (2.08 miles)

Croydon High School (2.15 miles)

Sutton High School GDST (4.16 miles)

Sydenham High School, GDST (4.87 miles)

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Most recent exam results for Whitgift School

Key Stage 5 results for Whitgift School

Most recent year on file: 2024

KS5 results for 2024

160 students were entered for A-level exams at Whitgift School in 2024.

Their average result as a point score was A-.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 47.76.

51.70% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A-.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 48.05.

KS5 results for 2023

145 students were entered for A-level exams at Whitgift School in 2023.

Their average result as a point score was A-.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 46.54.

49.60% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A-.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 47.3.

KS5 results for 2022

167 students were entered for A-level exams at Whitgift School in 2022.

Their average result as a point score was A.

Their average point score per A-Level entry was 48.92.

54.4% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.

Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 48.96.

Key Stage 4 results for Whitgift School

Most recent year on file: 2024

KS4 results for 2024

Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 245.

% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00%.

% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00%.

Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 12.1.

Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 1.19.

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