Kelly qualified as a teacher in 2006 after graduating from the Institute of Education in London She joined a London Independent school and...
Established during the reign of King Richard II, Winchester College is one of the world’s most venerable schools. Since its foundation in 1382, it has produced a number of distinguished alumni, known, after the founder, as Old Wykehamists. These include the current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, film director Josh Wheedon, historian Anthony Beevor and former head of MI6, John Sinclair. The varied career paths of these Old Wykehamists demonstrate Winchester’s insistence on developing multiple facets of the individual and not just the academic.
Although most famous a boarding school, Winchester does admit day pupils for it’s Sixth Form. All students however, are required to pass a set of unique examinations to gain a place. Currently girls are admitted to the Sixth Form (via 16 plus assessments). Below, you will find a guide on entrance examinations, scholarships and bursaries, as well as information on our tutors with extensive Winchester College experience.
Most independent senior schools have a multi-stage process for its entrance procedure and Winchester is no exception. Like most, the first stage consists of the ISEB assessment. The second stage however, is particualrly unique to Winchester, which issues it's own examiantions and is designed to ensure they take on those students who "best fit" the ethos and approach of the school.
Stage 1 - The ISEB Pre-Test
This computerised assessment covers English, Maths and Reasoning and is sat in the first term of Year 6. If your son is applying to multiple independent schools, they will all use the results from the single ISEB assessment to determine whether they will invite him to the next stage.
You can find out more information about the ISEB pre-tests here:
"How to prepare for the ISEB pre-test"
Successful applicants will then be invited back for an interview. Please see our Interview section below for more information.
For those boys who pass stage 1, the final stage of general assessment takes place in Year 8. These assessments are traditional paper based assessments and can be sat at the applicant's current school. These papers are set by the school and are considered one of the more challenging independent school assessments, particularly the mandatory papers in English and Mathematics. Boys attending prep schools will be invited to sit additional assessments in Science, Geography, History and a language, including Latin, if it has been studied.
The assessments themselves are challenging and designed to stretch boys beyond rote learnt material and test their ability to engage and think critically. Both the English and Maths papers provide ample opportunity for boys to demonstrate learning beyond the curriculum. Given the tight timings of the assessments, it is advisable that boys do some preparation before the assessments themselves.
We have a number of teachers who have experience tutoring entrants for Winchester Entrance examinations. Please find them below.
For those boys who intend to sit scholarship papers in year 8, please see the section on Elections and Scholarships below.
All boarding schools use Scholarship assessments to determine the brightest pupils on entry and ensure they provide a stimulating curriculum to help their academic development. Boys will be able to put themselves forward for Scholarship examinations when they apply to the school.
Winchester offers two types of scholarship: Scholarships (assuming all Winchester assessments are passed) means the applicant has a guaranteed place at the school, as well as the subject specific benefits. The other type is Exhibitions. Students who achieve exhibition status enjoy the subject specific benefits but it does not come with a guaranteed place at the school. The decision as to whether an applicant is offered either a Scholarship or an Exhibition is made by the relevant Director based on the applicants performance.
It should be noted that while historically scholarships were there to provide financial relief this role is now undertaken by bursaries.
Election: Winchester College's unique academic scholarship examinations, known as Election, take place over three days. Like many other selective schools, the examinations are designed to be challenging and aim to identify the academically brightest boys. The tests, formally, are designed to determine the "Election of Scholars and Exhibitioners" for the school.
In recognition of the divergence between state schools and prep schools with regards to school entrance prep, state school pupils are required to sit an English, Maths and General Paper 1. Prep school boys are required to sit a further mandatory paper in Science. Prep boys must then sit three papers drawn from either History, Geography, a second Maths paper, a second General paper, Latin, French or Greek. The can of course sit more. State school boys are also able to sit more than their three mandatory papers.
Approximately 14 Scholarship and six Exhibition places are available each year. Exceptional performance merits a scholarship place, and boarding in the Scholarship House, merit worthy performance allows for a student to take up Exhibition and board at a Commoner House. In some circumstances, a Headmasters place is offered, with boarding in a Commoner House.
Owl Tutors has a team of scholarship specialist tutors, all of whom are qualified teachers. Please get in touch here if you require more information.
Music Scholarships: Open to exceptional musicians at 13 and 16 plus entrance points, the music scholarships at Winchester require prior ability and formal assessments.
Like other scholarships, there is no financial remuneration but music scholars do receive free one to one tuition from one of the music masters and the opportunity to take part in weekly concerts.
Unlike some other boarding schools which ask for a minimum Grade 5 in a main instrument, Winchester requires Grade 6. During the assessment applicants will be required to deliver a fifteen minute performance, a ten minute test of practical skills and questions from the Director of Music.
Sports Scholarships: Like the music scholarships, sports scholarships are open to entrants at 13 plus and 16 plus. The focus, as in keeping with most boarding schools, is on traditional sports, specifically cricket and rugby. Talented sportsmen in golf, tennis, swimming, athletics, rowing and hockey can be considered, but not football.
The essential purpose of the scholarships are to boost the school's performance in it's preferred competitive sports, so decisions on which sports are prioritised can change from year to year. The Director of Sports makes this decision. Prospective sports scholars are invited to an assessment day which consists of an interview with the Director of Sport, a fitness assessment and a sports skills assessment. The latter is geared toward the applicants preferred sport.
Successful sports scholars receive bespoke one to one training, leave to compete at county level and represent the school in sporting competitions.
Modern Foreign Language Scholarships:
Sixth fomers who are taking at least one MfL A level subject, with ambitions to continue their studies at univeristy, can apply for the Modern Foreign Language Scholarship. The applicants skills and ability will be assessed by the Head of Languages upon application. Successful scholars will be responsible for helping to promote the learning of the language at the school and running events.
Entrepreneur Scholarship: A somewhat unique scholarship, the Entrepreneur Scholarship assists business minded students to develop a new and innovative idea while at school. Like the MfL Scholarship, it comes with considerable responsibility, namely leading the schools' student entrepreneurship initiative.
Classics Scholar: Open to budding classicists who are studying either History of Art or Latin, have the opportunity to develop activities and initiatives in the school that promote and encourage the appreciation of classical civilisation.
It is no exaggeration to say that the school is one of the more generous boarding schools when it comes to providing financial assistance to its student body. According to the school they provide approximately 20% of it's enrolled students with some kind of financial support with ambitions to increase it further over the next few years.
Remission of fees is dependent upon the family's financial circumstances and this is assessed, confidentially, by the school.
Families who would like to apply for financial support should contact the relevant department:
Coordinates: 448268, 129006
Type of establishment: Other independent school
Local authority: Hampshire
Address: College Street
Town / city: Winchester
Postcode: SO23 9NA
Phone number: 1962621100
Age range: 13 to 19
Offers boarding? Yes
Has a sixth form? Yes
Gender: Mixed
Is selective? Yes
Number of pupils: 726
Number of girls: 34
Number of boys: 692
St Swithuns (1.1 miles)
Most recent year on file: 2024
156 students were entered for A-level exams at Winchester College in 2024.
Their average result as a point score was A.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 48.55.
69.90% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 48.97.
140 students were entered for A-level exams at Winchester College in 2023.
Their average result as a point score was A.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 51.19.
74.30% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 51.07.
142 students were entered for A-level exams at Winchester College in 2022.
Their average result as a point score was A.
Their average point score per A-Level entry was 50.87.
72.5% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.
The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A.
Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 50.99.
Most recent year on file: 2024
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 157.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00%.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 85.40%.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 43.6.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 2.56.
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 143.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0%.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 91%.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 56.4.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 3.70.
Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 143.00.
Number of pupils included in Progress 8 measure: 0.00.
Progress 8 measure after adjustment for extreme scores: 0.00.
% of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0.00.
% of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0.00.
Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 30.50.
Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 2.63.
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