7 Plus Spelling 20 - "Contractions"

5 words to learn in this set.

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7 Plus Spelling 20

Explanation: In contractions, the apostrophe shows where a letter or letters would be if the words were written in full (e.g. can’t – cannot). It’s means it is (e.g. It’s raining) or sometimes it has (e.g. It’s been raining), but it’s is never used for the possessive.

Teaching Ideas: Explain to your child what contractions are and when you would use them (e.g. in speech or more informal writing). Write a list of words (can not/ do not/ I will) and work together with your child to write the contracted form. It may help to pretend the the apostrophe is the tail-end of the letter as it is pulled out of the word.

Words to learn: 5

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This set of flashcards was written by Rosie

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Rosie is a qualified teacher, and now works as a tutor with Owl Tutors.

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