Dulwich College tutors

Dulwich College entrance guide

Dulwich College is a boys’ school which offers both day and boarding places. It is academically selective and has entry points at 4+, 7+, 9+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. Girls can access places at the nursery and pre-prep, but must transfer to a different school at Y3 (aged 7). Dulwich College was founded in 1619 and awards over 185 bursaries every year for those who would not otherwise be able to afford the education on offer. There are over 80 clubs and societies on offer for students at the school and it also works with local primary schools to offer workshops and talks for the wider Dulwich community.

Dulwich College is situated in South East London, close to Alleyn’s and James Alleyn’s Girls School (JAGS),  provides boys with both boarding and day options (boarding from Year 9). It also offers an early years education in their nursery and infant school, DUCKS. Sharing roots with its neighbouring schools, it was founded by James Alleyn in 1619 and over the succeeding years, has grown into a very large school with an enrolment of just under 2,000 pupils.

The college can provide an all through education for boys aged from 3 to 18, and girls up to age 7 only. On this page, you will be able to find tutors who have successfully supported applicants to the Junior and Senior schools, alongside information for families looking for 7+, 9+, 11+, 13+ and 16+ entry to this popular school. You can find an extensive list of tutors who have experience supporting applicants to Dulwich College across multiple levels.

Open Days and Events at Dulwich College

Most open days and events take place in the summer term, and are bookable on the website from the end of the Spring Term (March). Prospective families are also encouraged to phone the admissions team to discuss any queries.

7+ entry to Dulwich College

Whilst there are a limited number of places available for entry into Years 4 and 5, the largest intake into the Junior School is at Year 3 (age 7). Dulwich College has also introduced a specific intake from the Infant school, Ducks, meaning that competition for places at 7+ is likely to intensify over the next few years.

Following an application, there are two stages to the assessment process for entry at 7+ to Dulwich College. The first stage takes place before the Christmas holiday and the second stage just after, in early January. Stage one involves online assessments in reasoning (both verbal and non-verbal) and written tests in Maths and creative writing. Stage two (by invitation only, following the first assessments) involves an interview and further tests in Maths, English (this time including reading aloud and comprehension) and group work, likely to focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Offers are sent out in early February.

11 Plus entry to Dulwich College

Introduction to 11 Plus admissions to Dulwich College

There are around 125 places in Year 7 at Dulwich College, with just under half of these reserved for those boys who are already at the school. The rest come from both local schools and further afield. There are three parts to the entrance examination, all taken on the same day, and following this some boys are offered an interview. Offers are made on the basis of the entrance examination, the interview, and a reference from the boy's current school.

Open days and visits for 11 Plus admissions to Dulwich College

Open days are available in the summer term at Dulwich College. These are very popular, and need to be booked in advance. The school advertises the dates for the Open Days in March. In addition, families can contact the Admissions Team with any questions, but individual visits are only possible in exceptional circumstances.

Timetable for 11 Plus admissions to Dulwich College

Parents and guardians need to register their child for Year 7 entry when they are in Year 5 or early in Year 6. Earlier registration is also possible, but the closing date is October when the child is in Year 6. They will then be contacted with a date for the entrance examination, which will be in December when the child is in Year 6. If a boy is successful in this examination he will be invited back for interview in the January of Year 6, and a place may be offered in February of Year 6. Offers are usually sent to coincide with half term.

How to register for 11 Plus admission to Dulwich College

Registration is online and the registration portal opens on this page in Spring each year. Families applying from overseas should contact the school directly as the system will be slightly different. There is a registration fee, set by the school and likely to increase every year. It is usually around £160 for UK-based families, and around £350 for overseas families. Once a place has been accepted, a deposit is due, which is refunded when the child leaves the school.

Assessments process for 11 Plus admission to Dulwich College

Entrance examinations for 11 plus admissions to Dulwich College take place in December when the prospective applicant is in Year 6. There are computer-based tests which cover English, Maths and Reasoning, followed by a creative writing paper. Following this there is an interview stage (around 160 boys are interviewed for around 70 places). A familiarisation test for the computer-based assessments is available here.

School fees for Dulwich College at 11 Plus

A full outline of fees can be found here. Fees will increase every year, and at the time of writing day fees are nearly £10,000 per term, so almost £30,000 per year. Boarding pupils will pay around £20,000 per term, so around £60,000 per year. This includes VAT in both cases. The fees are different depending on whether you are a boarder or day pupil, and whether you take optional extras such as music lessons. Fees must be paid by direct debit and there is a full term's period of notice if a pupil is withdrawn from the school.

Scholarships for Dulwich College at 11 Plus

Academic scholarships to Dulwich College in Year 7 are available, and are awarded purely on the basis of the entrance examinations at 11 plus. Scholarships vary between 10% and 33% fee remission and are not currently means-tested. At Year 7 there are also a few different types of music scholarship. One is a choral scholarship and one an organ scholarship: both of these are linked to the college's Christian foundation and the holders are expected to play a full role in chapel services. Applicants for music scholarships must play two instruments and must also play a full role in the musical life of the school. There are currently no Art or Sports scholarships available for Year 7 entry.

    13+ entry to Dulwich College and the ISEB pre-test

    13+ entry to Dulwich College and the ISEB pre-test

    There are two options for this popular entry point to Dulwich College at 13+ (Year 9). Firstly, boys have the option of sitting the ISEB pre-test during the Autumn Term of Year 6 at their current school. Following the pre-test, some boys will be taken forward to the interview stage. During this interview they will be asked academic questions alongside the usual questions about their hobbies and interests. They are also asked to complete a short English paper, demonstrating their writing ability. Boys who are successful at both these stages in Year 6 will be offered a deferred place to start at Dulwich College in Year 9.

    The other route for entry into Year 9 is to undertake entrance assessments in the Spring Term of Year 8. There are three papers: English, Maths and Reasoning. The English paper consists of short and long answer comprehension questions followed by a creative writing section, whilst the Maths paper is a mixture of problem-solving and basic calculations. Unusually, this is a calculator paper, and likely to be based on the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Reasoning papers, unless applying from overseas, are online and standardised by age. Boys who are successful in these papers will be invited for interview the same month, and offers are sent out in February to start at Dulwich College in September.

    16+ entry to Dulwich College

    Entry at 16+, into the Sixth Form at Dulwich College, is a smaller entry point primarily designed for new boarders; day places are rare. The first stage is entrance examinations take place in the Autumn Term of Year 11 in the subjects to be studied at A-Level. Specimen papers are available on the website or on request from the school. There is a second stage interview for those boys who are successful in the exams, and offers are sent out quickly afterwards.

    Scholarships and Bursaries at Dulwich College

    Academic scholarships are awarded for entry at 7+, 11+ and 13+. There is no separate process or examination; rather, boys who perform well in the entrance examinations are chosen for the academic scholarship award. Fee remission is between 10% and 33%.

    Music scholarships are awarded for entry at both 11+, 13+ and 16+. Auditions take place in the Spring term prior to the entry point and involve sight reading, aural tests, and the performance of pieces on two instruments. Choral and organ scholarships are also available. Fee remission is up to 33% for these scholarships.

    Art scholarships are awarded for entry at 13+ only and offer a fee remission of 10%. A portfolio is submitted alongside a personal statement, and selected boys are then invited for an interview  and practical assessment in the Autumn term of Year 8.

    Sports scholarships are awarded for entry at 13+ and 16+ and offer a fee remission of 10%. Prospective candidates are invited for an assessment day in the Autumn term of the year prior to the entry point.

    Bursaries are available at Dulwich College and offer a fee remission of up to 100%. Although they can be awarded at any entry point, traditionally the most bursaries are awarded at 11+. Bursary applications are made using a form and are assessed by a committee; there is a helpful guide on the website which details levels of income and possible bursary awards. 

    Gil is an extremely organised and engaging tutor who makes maths learning fun. My son always enjoys his sessions with Gil.
    Amy was an amazing tutor to my two boys while we were based in London. I have just received feedback from my son’s school teacher that the work Amy taught him while we were away had extended him beyond the curriculum and she was super impressed with what he had learned! Lovely person, we are thankful to her. Highly recommend.
    My daughter was very close to her Science GCSEs and had asked us to arrange a couple of months tuition for her to increase her confidence and help her to increase her grades by a point or two. I was delighted and relieved by how quickly I was put in touch with John and how quickly we were able to schedule sessions. I shared her mock papers with him and he was able to pinpoint where to target his sessions providing her with relevant practice questions in the interim. She came out of Chemistry saying it was the best exam of her life ! Thanks John for delivering exactly what we needed. Will not hesitate to reach out to Owl in the future.
    Joseph’s confidence has grown exponentially thanks to Julian’s help.
    Nicola is an excellent tutor! Every lesson is well prepared and delivered to the high standards. Not a single minute is wasted. Our son's results and confidence in English improved within a very short time of tutoring with Nicola. She is the G.O.A.T (in our son's best football comments)

    School data for Dulwich College

    Coordinates: 533191, 172993

    Type of establishment: Other independent school

    Local authority: Southwark

    Address: Dulwich Common


    Town / city: London

    Postcode: SE21 7LD

    Phone number: 2086933601

    Website: https://www.dulwich.org.uk

    Offers boarding? Yes

    Has a sixth form? Yes

    Gender: Mixed

    Is selective? No

    Number of pupils: 1899

    Number of girls: 87

    Number of boys: 1812

    Nearby schools to Dulwich College

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    Rosemead Preparatory School (0.6 miles)

    James Allen's Girls' School (1.01 miles)

    Alleyn's School (1.01 miles)

    Sydenham High School, GDST (1.32 miles)

    Small Acres (1.67 miles)

    Streatham & Clapham High School (2.32 miles)

    St Dunstan's College (2.44 miles)

    Eaton House the Manor School (3.21 miles)

    Nearby tutors

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    Most recent exam results for Dulwich College

    Key Stage 5 results for Dulwich College

    Most recent year on file: 2023

    KS5 results for 2023

    227 students were entered for A-level exams at Dulwich College in 2023.

    Their average result as a point score was A-.

    Their average point score per A-Level entry was 47.58.

    60.00% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

    The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A-.

    Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 47.96.

    KS5 results for 2022

    251 students were entered for A-level exams at Dulwich College in 2022.

    Their average result as a point score was A+.

    Their average point score per A-Level entry was 52.86.

    73.2% of students achieved AAB or higher in at least 2 facilitating subjects.

    The average combined score for each student's best 3 A levels was A+.

    Average point score for each student's best 3 A levels: 53.04.

    Key Stage 4 results for Dulwich College

    Most recent year on file: 2023

    KS4 results for 2023

    Number of pupils at the end of key stage 4: 232.

    % of key stage 4 pupils with entries in all English Baccalaureate subject areas: 0%.

    % of pupils achieving strong 9-5 passes in both English and mathematics GCSEs: 0%.

    Average Attainment 8 score per pupil: 16.0.

    Total EBacc APS score per pupil: 1.20.

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