
Tutor profile - Alastair


7 Plus, 8 Plus, 11 Plus, 13 Plus, English, Maths, Science & Spanish

Like all our tutors, Alastair is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Alastair holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Alastair holds a full, clean criminal records checkAlastair holds a degree from a Russell Group University

Alastair's biography

Hugely experienced in the London independent school sector, Alastair has supported over 100 children to successful school offers, including to Alleyn's, St Paul's Girls', City of London and Tiffins.

Highly skilled across all areas of 11+ and in particular a Maths and Reasoning specialist, through his senior leadership roles Alastair has an intimate knowledge of the entrance system, the secondary schools involved and every aspect of the process. As well as preparing children, Alastair also offers expert guidance to parents navigating the scene for the first time.

Passionate, knowledgeable and dynamic teacher with twenty years classroom experience including nearly a decade fulfilling a range of leadership roles, Alastair is extremely committed to children and families and is always striving to go the extra mile in order to ensure student success.

As deputy headteacher in his previous role, Alastair held responsibility for the 11+, including delivering parent information sessions, 1 to 1 parent meetings regarding school choices and overseeing children's progress from CAT4 results to specific school sample papers. Alastair has written dozens of pupil references for 11+ schools and spoken personally to registrars and school leaders about their schools and the children applying for 11+ entrance under his care.

Alastair's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

Monday: 6:15-8 PM Tuesday: 2-4 PM and 6-8 PM Wednesday: 3-6 PM 7-8 PM Thursday: 2-4:30 PM 5:30-8 PM Friday: NONE Saturday: 11 AM - 12 PM Sunday: Will consider upon request

School entrance experience

Alastair has worked with children aiming to attend the following schools:

Over 9 years, I have helped 8 cohorts of children prepare for a huge range of secondary schools across London, particularly the South West. All the children I have taught and supported moved on to one of their chosen schools. Children I taught and supported achieved offers from all the schools above (and more) and many received scholarship offers.

As Head of 11+ at WPS, I have detailed and personal knowledge of a great range of schools, their leadership teams and registrars. We organised and held a Secondary Schools fair every other year. This was only a small part of the support we offered to parents across the school, from the first introductory information evening to 1:1 meetings to discuss schools and their suitability for children.

I have huge experience with CAT testing, the results and their significance when considering schools and guiding parents. I have prepared children tirelessly to do their best in both CATs and all types of entrance exams.

I registered our school as an ISEB Pre-test test centre, organised, held and invigilated ISEB Pre-test sessions.

Alastair's qualifications

Alastair qualified to teach Primary education in 2004, and holds a BA in Education from University of Durham.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
University of Durham BA in Education 2004

Subjects tutored:

7 Plus

8 Plus

11 Plus (English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning)

13 Plus (Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning)

English (KS1, KS2 and ESL)

Maths (KS1, KS2 and KS3)

Science (KS1 and KS2)

Spanish (General)

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