
Tutor profile - Sammy


7 Plus, 8 Plus, 11 Plus, 13 Plus, Other School Entrance, English, French & Maths

Like all our tutors, Sammy is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Sammy holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Sammy holds a full, clean criminal records checkSammy holds a degree from a Russell Group University
We were happy to work with Samantha. She helped us a lot with English. We achieved the results we wanted.

Parent of 8 Plus student

Sammy's biography

Sammy is a creative, friendly and experienced tutor who has spent thirteen years working in both primary and independent prep schools in London. She is available to tutor KS1-KS4 students in English and French, as well as KS1-KS2 students in Maths. She is also able to support students preparing for 7+, 8+, 11+ and 13+ school entry examinations.

Having gained her undergraduate degree in English from the University of Bristol, Sammy went on to complete a Primary PGCE at the Institute of Education in London. She is a fluent French speaker and has achieved the prestigious Diplôme Approfondi de la Langue Française (DALF) at C2 proficiency level.

Sammy has extensive experience teaching and tutoring English and Maths in KS1-KS2 as well as preparing students for entrance exams to top day schools and boarding schools. She has also taught French across KS1-KS4, as well as supporting students with CE, GCSE and Scholarship French, including applications to St Paul’s, Eton and Westminster.

Sammy firmly believes that building up the self-esteem and confidence of a student is fundamental to unlocking their potential. She prioritises getting to know each individual student and tailors her approach according to their personality, learning goals and confidence levels. Building up a strong rapport with a student is fundamental, and this allows her to strike the right balance between support and challenge during tutoring sessions.

When Sammy first start working with a student she carries out an initial assessment to identify their strengths in the subject, as well as any gaps in their knowledge or skills. She then makes a clear, individualised plan to work on closing these gaps, which is adapted dynamically as needed. Sammy caters for all styles of learners through engaging and varied activities. She provides ongoing feedback to students to celebrate their successes, and to let them know what their next steps are. She always ensures clear communication between the student and parents in order to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Sammy's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

Thursday 3:30PM - 5:30PM

School entrance experience

Sammy has worked with children aiming to attend the following schools:

Sammy helped prepare over ten students for Scholarship French for Westminster School, St Paul's School and Eton College. Of these, two have won Scholarships.

Sammy's qualifications

Sammy qualified to teach Primary education in PGCE, and holds a Primary PGCE from General Teaching Council for England.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
University of Bristol English BA Hons 2009

Subjects tutored:

7 Plus

8 Plus

11 Plus (English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning)

13 Plus (English and French)

Other School Entrance

English (KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR and IGCSE)

French (General, KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR, IGCSE and IGCSE (Cambridge))

Maths (KS1 and KS2)


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