
Tutor profile - Natalie


7 Plus, 8 Plus, 11 Plus, English & Maths

Like all our tutors, Natalie is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Natalie holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Natalie holds a full, clean criminal records checkNatalie holds a degree from a Russell Group University
Natalie has been a brilliant maths tutor to our daughter over this academic year. Natalie has a very calm, warm manner and takes time to plan engaging and well-paced lessons. Natalie took time to set manageable homework tasks and gave helpful feedback on my daughter’s progress and areas to focus on. My daughter never complained about logging in to online lessons with Natalie and definitely benefitted from Natalie’s patience and interactive ideas. Natalie’s experience as a class teacher meant that I was confident that the lessons were focussed on the curriculum yet adapted to an appropriate level. I would definitely recommend Natalie!

Parent of Maths student

Natalie's biography

Natalie has extensive experience teaching and tutoring, including twelve years as a primary school teacher and over twenty years tutoring. In addition, she is the author of educational resources and eleven plus materials.

Natalie taught Year 5 for five years in an independent preparatory school in London, preparing her entire class for eleven plus exams for both grammar and private schools. Prior to this, she taught across all years in primary school, from Reception to Year 6.

In terms of one-to-one tuition, she has prepared students for eleven plus and seven plus exams. Pupils have gained places at a number of schools, including City of London (a scholarship awarded), City of London School for Girls, Bancroft’s School, Forest School and Chigwell School. Grammar school places awarded include Woodford County High, Wallington County Grammar School and Chelmsford County High School for Girls.

In addition to preparing students for exams, Natalie has helped numerous children gain greater confidence and develop their skills in maths and English. She is able to engage children in the learning and to make lessons enjoyable. She sets work at just the right level to encourage success. Natalie has an excellent track record of teaching dyslexic pupils who are struggling to read – three students particularly became avid, enthusiastic and fluent readers, having been behind the rest of their class in this area.

Since 2020, Natalie has been tutoring online. She has found that this platform works extremely well. The lessons are interactive and engaging for the student. She now works exclusively as a tutor.

Natalie's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

term time: MONDAYS 3.45 PM TUESDAYS 8.30PM FRIDAYS 7.30PM currently full on Saturdays possibly other times term times and holidays: TUES- FRI 11.00AM TUES- FRI 10.00PM, 11.00PM

School entrance experience

Natalie has worked with children aiming to attend the following schools:

Natalie has successfully prepared students for Bancroft and Forest School 11 plus exams and for 7 plus exams. One student achieved a scholarship to Bancrofts.
Natalie has taught for a range of grammar schools. Her pupils have gained places at Woodford County High, Chelmsford County High and Wallington County Grammar School.
In addition to her private tuition practice, Natalie has also worked as a class teacher for Year 5 in a prep school (for 5 years). She had an important role preparing the children for exams to grammar and independent secondary schools. All the students took the 11 plus and all gained entry into one of the schools they had chosen. This included Henrietta Barnett, City of London Boys (1 scholarship), City of London Girls, Forest School, Chigwell School and Queen Elizabeth Grammar School.

Owl Tutors school entrance training

Natalie has successfully completed the Owl Tutors training course in 7 Plus and 11 Plus exam preparation. This means they have a thorough understanding of the structure, content and demands of these exams and are qualified to prepare students. Training is delivered by Holly, a highly experienced school entrance tutor and member of the Owl Tutors team.

Natalie's qualifications

Natalie qualified to teach Primary education in 1990, and holds a PGCE (primary) from Leeds University.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
University of York BA History 1989

Subjects tutored:

7 Plus

8 Plus

11 Plus (English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Science)

English (KS2 and KS3)

Maths (KS2 and KS3)

Recent testimonials

Natalie is an excellent tutor, clear with lesson plans and objectives, patient and supportive and extremely knowledgable about the 11+.

Parent of 11 Plus student

Tuesday, 13th August 2024

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