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The following papers have been written in-house by our expert team of tutors.

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Gil is a fantastic tutor. My son not only learnt a lot of maths in his lessons with Gil but also thoroughly enjoyed the lessons. Gil is a great communicator and promptly informed me of how each lesson went, which was really helpful. We felt very fortunate to have Gil as our son's maths tutor - our son was offered a place at all the schools to which he applied.
Holly was a fantastic help ensuring our daughter was engaged, enjoyed her lessons and the quality of education was such that our daughter felt far more confident with her work.
Sian is the perfect teacher for this role. I am extremely happy with her services and highly recommend her. Not only her knowledge and understanding but her advice is equally important and valuable in my decision making
Alongside imparting her excellent subject knowledge with great skill, Sian was positive and kind in tutoring sessions with our son. She really brought out the best in him with her support and encouragement.
Alison is an outstanding tutor who combines expert subject knowledge, clear planning and a warm, fun, engaging style of teaching. Alison used her skills as a coach to support our child through preparation for senior school exams, providing clear feedback and targets. This was immensely helpful during a busy period that could otherwise have been more stressful.

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