Our tutors set their own rates, which means you will see a variation in pricing. The starting rate for tutors is £70 per hour. If you have a specific budget in mind, for example, no more than £100, please do let us know.
Our team of GCSE tutors are qualified teachers with extensive classroom experience. Covering all subjects at GCSE level, our tutors can provide targeted one to one support online and at home. Many of our GCSE tutors have experience working as examiners and assessors for specific GCSE exam boards. This means our tutors not only have an expert understanding of the subject content, but also the assessment process. If you would like to work with one of our GCSE tutors, please browse below or search by subject and exam exam-board.
Dani is a specialist maths tutor with extensive experience working with international students, a current IGCSE examiner, and a former SENDCo She has...
Sue is an experienced primary with a successful track record of supporting pupils with entrance exam preparation (7+, 9+,11+, SET test for Grammar...
Lotte is a highly experienced qualified teacher who has taught in leading independent and state schools in Central London and the South East...
The majority of tuition carried out by tutors is via online support. Generally, students who are sitting their examinations are old enough to be able to engage via online learning. It also allows you to choose from a larger pool of tutors.
That said, a number of tutors do provide face to face tuition. Given the travel requirements, face to face tuition is more expensive than online sessions.
Our tutors set their own rates, which means you will see a variation in pricing. The starting rate for tutors is £70 per hour. If you have a specific budget in mind, for example, no more than £100, please do let us know.
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